Brooke Chook

Yea, it kind of feels like a bit of a FU to CBS as well.

I don't know why they don't just pull him aside and say "You fusco, there's a war between two ASIs going on at the moment, you're much safer if they think you're unaware so just pretend we never had this conversation and check with us before doing anything rash, will explain fully once we win the war, k thanks"

I'm glad you are reviewing 5.07 as well, that was my fave of the three episodes (4 Alarm fire, sniff sniff) but I enjoyed all of them!

Pretty much, she's just getting her compeition out of the way!

Yep, and season 1 was only 10 days in show time.

Yea, as disappointing as the comments were, I couldn't help but be amused!

Don't worry, he becomes less of a main character as the show goes on, and you get used to his performance!

What an episode! I'm quite partial to Root and Shaw so was blubbering like baby during "you're my safe place". Brilliant way to show Shaw's feelings and what a badass, always outplaying samaritan even when she doesn't know what's going on.

Yep, Shaw may not express her true feelings much IRL,but in a simulations they ALL come out.Turns out she likes Root's little pet names and overt come-ons….

He called her mother, which is disturbing, but I do enjoy forbidden love stories…

Her hair gets crazier as her situation does. I actually find it incredibly realistic and refreshing, as opposed to most other shows where the leads still have time to straighten their hair while being on the run….In season 1 her hair was all nice and straight and now she's just like fuck it!

Kevin Hanchard, Vokey, Ari Millen, and Kristian Bruun (As well as Evelyn Brochu last season) only appear when they are in the episode, Kennedy, and Dlan Bruce when he was around got the automatic credit!

Yea, I mean Sarah's being an asshole but so is Felix. Sarah probably has some sort of PTSD as well so understandable that she would be paranoid AF!

The weird thing is, Helena has that exact same smoking hot body!

Chatter is that it is exactly as it seems, but I think I need to see it to believe it.

Yep. I'm just interested to see how it comes out.

It was cute and all but I also found it a little sad. Is this the first time she's had her own room for just herself and not a character she's playing? Where did she even get a lava lamp???

I still don't understand how there's is going to be a 70 second violent gay sex scene on this show and this network. Did the machine trick the execs or something?

I feel like they were just throwing a bone to everyone who still goes on about that episode! Which is cool!

Yep, would have gone A for SNAFU and B+ for TBT….