Brooke Chook

Dafaq?? I need to rewatch. Maybe it's Rachel dreaming that she was friends with Kira when she was a kid.

Yea, I don't see Delphine just running away either. Wouldn't that just put Cosima in more danger?

Maybe it was a trick question. Kira is smart like that!

She told Sarah, it was gonna get around to Cosima anyway!
Dunno about Krystal.

I loved the dance party but I see what you mean. It just looked like a normal scene, it was easy to forget that 4 of the people at the table were the same person!

I have never heard of Free Agents but I totally did get a major Katherine Hahn vibe, so kudos to you for recognising that!

Black Cindy irritated me last season but loving her this season!!

I beleive most cocoa is alkilised now as well which makes it harder to bake an authentic red velvet cake.

Yea I definitly saw it as a kind of disappointed laugh. She left her friends and prison family only to end up doing a job she already knows how to do.

Amelia knew S beforehand. But she left Sarah with the state and she didn't end up in Ss care till she was 8.
That whole network was connected to Leda/castor somehow, we just don't know how yet. But it definitely won't just be a coincidence that she ended up with S.

Her pink eyes aren't from crying lol, they're from malnutrition and probably a lack of sleep too. And it hasn't just been this season!

Yea I highly doubt it's just a coincidence!

I didn't even realise that was her, she looks so different.

As a Chimera she would look like a cross between Ari and Tat no?

Rudy wouldn't be able to get into DYAD, he had to Scott's regardless if he knew that Scott had the book on him!

She also said she nearly introduced herself to Cosima when they shared a scene lol!

I dunno I liked it, I liked seeing S, Sarah and Felix hang out as a family and just enjoy themselves. I think the characters needed it…of course it all goes to shit afterwards!

I beleive as a Chimera she would look like a mix of Tat and Ari!

Yes I really need to know if she's coming back but I don't want to find out any other spoilers!

Have to agree, I never liked V as much as other, except in the ;ast episode maybe. Only watched the first 5episodes of this season but I kinda like the less serialised way they are going!