Brooke Chook

Do you think she's like 'meh, close enough'

Nealon was in the S2 finale.

She doesn't want Krystal to get Helsinki'd. It's the wrond decision in the end, but it's understandable at the time. Tragic irony.

Unless mysterious blonde lady is castor. I still think its Nealon and Shay is a misdirect.

I once wondered if she got jealous that Felix and Alison's relationship got more love than Sarah and Felix….and then I realised!

Lol, this makes me want to see a kiwi clone. As talented as Maslany is, i'm not sure it's possible anyone to pull off a good kiwi accent.

Um she often playes 3 clones in one day, and she has to act to a tennis ball half time. Irrelevant anyway as I reckon she is emmy worthy as Helena alone.

It would also open them up to any other threaths from parties who are interested in clones. They clones have shown time and time again they just want to be left alone!

I'm hoping for SArah to Kill Bill her and stab her in the other eye!

even if they kill off a clone I think it will be Alison not Cosima. Would be shocking as hell. Ultimately I think they have too much fun with the characters to want to kill any of them off. But yea Mrs S or Delphine could be in trouble!

I don't think Rachel gives a shit if they know the first few pages of the book. As long as she has the book and the code, she will have all she needs to be cured and out of DYAD.

Yea but hunting animals and burning your child alive are very different!

Semi Spoiler that might not be true anyway…

Yea Nealon mentioned Rachel was getting a fake eye. Unless they take Krystal's eye out to make her look like Rachel, but maybe that would be too suspicious, I feel like Nealon is helping Rachel but no-one else at Dyad knows.

Yes, they open up a salon where Krystal does nails and Felix does hair and makeup. By day anyway, by night they are a super crime-solving duo!

Do you think she was channeling Mrs S? I found it very sweet! Especially telling her that it wasn't her fault she lost the baby, after Bonnie has crucified her for it!

I found it hilarious, they're trying to escape out quickly but her wheelchair just slowly glides along.

Rambo Lyes, not really porny enough!

I think Rachel tipped off Nealon who is the mole. Delphine wouldn't suspect Nealon because he doesn't know they are working together and Scott has said that Rachel didn't even have access to internet. It all makes me think that they are going to find out that Shay is ex military and blame her when really it's

I had a feeling that the embryos would be ruined and Helena would give up her baby to save Cosima. Don't think so now, but I presume they will be used? I really hope it doesn't cause a rift, Helena's only just joined Clone Club properly.