Brooke Chook

No Elaine is amazing. Ever seen her in Disco Pigs?

Not that I minded it before, but I actually think this series has been the most streamlined of the 3. Minus the season opener, everything has felt pretty tight and continuous.

No I think Cosima just suggested it as a possiblity for Seth's mushy brain!

Yea, I'm sure she just think's they're twins though. From another country…oh I dunno starting to think Bobby is trouble ;)

I never knew someone eating a muffin could be so captivating.

Picture day was good if a little twee. She was great.

Yea it's actually Sarah and Mark in the new production of Blood Ties!!

Didn't think of that, that's great. I bet Bonnie was blamed for the death of that child.

I took it as Alison had left Kellerman for Donnie and high school so lied and said she met him in college. Unless Canada is like NZ where we call High school college.

There's always continuity errors with the weather on OB, GM and JF have mentioned it before, it can't really be helped. I don't live in Canada so I just assume its a place where it can change 30 degrees on consecutive days ;)

I think Pupok maybe used to speak Ukrainian but not speaks with a NA accent because everyone around her does. Though frankly I'm surprised it doesn't have a cockney accent.

I feel like Mark has a different nose but I'm sure that's not possible?

Who will?

Yea pretty much. Season 1 did have some weird stuff but it was always well written, Not melodramatic. Alice and Dana were great characters. And the best thing…NO BETTY

Yea I remember a particully bad 'Punk' version

The lead singer was the music supervisor, I think she was dating Chaiken.

Yea Betty. Honestly I feel like Betty killed the show. They started appearing on the show in season when it started to decline.

Just reminiscing over Tasha's amazing laugh!!

Haha great read. I mean, I'll defend season 1 to anyone because I think it was great, but it was a steady decline season through season (though I think season 5 was better than 3 & 4. Season 6 was unspeakably bad.

Their plan is for 5 seasons so I really hope they get the next one too so they can finish their story. After season 5 they can split the show up into several spinoff. Sitcom with Sarah and Helena getting up to crazy hijinks (Sestras) Buddy cop show with Felix and Art (ebony and ivory) Scott and Cosima do science