Brooke Chook

Thanks. It would be really really weird (and bad) casting if Coady was the original.

Yea but Mark left the military years ago, so maybe Paul knew Mark but Mark didn't know Paul yet.

I thought it was really sad and poignant. Explains why Art is still helping Sarah, he feels guilty that he couldn't help Beth. Plus is was always my head cannon.

Yea I think it's intentional. We still saw old Alison come out with "I need to cut something'

I don't think Brochu was available for these episodes, but think she'll be back next week.

Or she's the mother of the original. I don't think she's original, she looks indigenous in ethnicity to me.

And Sarah and Cosima called each other Bitch lol, and there's for sure been some friction with Alison.

I think Paul got promoted after episode 7. That was the last time he was seen with Rachel correct? Him and Mark wouldn't have known each other then, though it's possible that 1 of them knew the other.

No I think they want to reboot after 5 years, but they did note that that was only if they had the viewer numbers and if fans wanted it. I think the current storyline will end after 5 seasons, which is fine as that's only 50 episodes.

Yea but Angie isn't a main character, would be rather extreme to lie about her character coming back. No-one would be like "OMG ANGIE IS BACK" if she came back, with Helena is was a total shock.

Could be related, but then would Paul really use the real name?

I'm sure Helena told Sarah all about her time on the funny farm.

No friction? Sarah shot Helena lol.

Angie's not coming back, actress confirmed.

I don't think she's been in a lot so maybe just a lack of options…

It usually turns up on Youtube….

I wasn't sold in the first ep, I was like 50% sold…but mangoes made up the other 50% in one go.

Nah Scorpion-Mangoes is clearly number1

They actually waterboarded her? and the double? That seems extreme…and badass it has to be said.

Yea Cal won't be back, not sure about Kira. Might see her over Skype at times. I think it was a good idea. I like Kira and the actress who plays her but she was getting in thw way a bit.