Yip Yip Yip

What is this?

Checked to see if someone posed that The Dead Milkmen song. Looks like you took care of it.

Screw the game, I want more trailer.

Just attach one or more of these:


You get a star for the effort. Not the best joke ever, but far from being the worst.

Jesus, Buckman! This stuff’s been on the Stingray since Korea! This can expired in 1966!

Aerojet Rocktdyne is a subsidiary of Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems.

Yes it is.

Would you like some Horsey sauce?

It was my small gun.

I can’t help but wonder what Hunter S. Thompson would make of all this.

Do they have male strippers for female clients?

Was going to reply to your comment, saw you name, posted anyway. Well played.

Margarita Friday at the factory was not a good idea, but the employees loved it.