“A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.”

Now playing

Morons with nuke, chemical or biological weapons scare the crap out of me. People have used them in the past and will continue to use them in the future.

3. Profit!

In her defense, she might have been mixing a drink or reading Jalopnik on her phone at the time.

It’s only a swimming pool if the owner does not skate.

It was centered about nine miles (14 km) from Pawnee, Oklahoma.

I’ll have a BLT on RYE.

Let’s do it again!

I have a theory of what really happened. . .

I’d hate to be the poor IT person that has to clean that laptop keyboard.

Maybe those are fashon models complaining.

They are proud Greendale alumni.