
Except when they post your physical address online along with the death threats. Don't act like people should have thicker skins, that's more than fucked up enough for me to leave my home.

Yes, "Gamergate", where somehow, a perceived conflict of interest in gaming journalism means that gaming journalists aren't allowed to practice journalism and report on a developer getting doxxed and subsequently receiving legitimately terrifying death threats.


...except it initially started as an attack on Zoe Quinn, and not the publication entire—but, shit, facts. Who cares about those in the face of infantile emotional distress?

i would just like to take a moment to appreciate that the url for this post is "one-of-t-a-t-us-fake-lesbians-is-actually-a-raging-homo"

This is gorgeous. I look terrible in that color green but I'll take one in blue thank you.

I'm surprised she was even able to see the movie, when she's stuck that far up her own ass.

The word "empowerment" lost all meaning a long time ago. For a while, it's just been a way for companies to sell us shit.

Yeah. Fixed it.

I don't understand the mentality of women who want to marry the man who cheated on their wives for them. If he did that to their wives, what makes you think they won't do something like that to you? This feckless asshole was never going to marry her but he was adept enough at stringing her along so he got what he

You can exercise while pregnant, if your doctor says all is well. Pregnancy isn't an illness. It is a state of health.

"A woman saying yes to a date with a man is literally insane and ill-advised, and the whole species' existence counts on them doing it. I don't know how they...how do women still go out with guys, when you consider the fact that there is no greater threat to women than men? We're the number one threat to women.

In my very personal opinion (based on experience, as a child, but an opinion nonetheless), one of the biggest reasons domestic violence is rarely appropriately punished, and one of the biggest reasons women struggle to leave, is that domestic violence is seen as one of those things that is personal and between the

You know, I will admit there's a part of my brain that goes, "Well, it IS between them, and it's not wrong for two people to work things out even if they've gone horribly wrong. And we can't all sit in judgement of someone else's forgiveness because that always happens on a personal level."

But then I think...that's

Most victims of domestic abuse stay with there abuser. So everyone needs to back off the "she's doing it for the money.".

Well that's just a whole bunch of sad right there. Sad because she thinks it's a ratings ploy, sad that she defends her husband, sad that it reminds me that even after everything that went down she made that man her husband, sad that it took the second video for this punishment to come down when the first was horrific

Kendra and Ricky were reportedly only given a two game suspension by the NFL.

Yeah, that's the biggest question I had also. The thing is, the details they reveal to the public/media at this phase are so restricted, we may not know for awhile. I had a whirlwind of guesses/assumptions (which really aren't fair to him at this point, honestly). My first guess, if he knew this guy (who would later

The handrail in the elevator has also expressed regret for its involvement.