
"she wouldn't work" = she can't take a rape joke.

Good thing no one asked you.

"I have to wonder if those parenting classes cover how to obtain childcare if you are living in poverty"

No one event happened, it's just the culmination of many instances of abuse and bullying against women and other minorities in the gaming industry. Probably the biggest of these was that Anita Sarkeesian released a new video, and along with the usual insults, rape threats and attacks, someone contacted her with

Great self-promotion piece, but no. You're massively oversimplifying, while also ignoring important factors like "it's Youtube" and "his audience is infinitely bigger".

Comments are a reflection of many things, when taken individually, including but absolutely not limited to the content itself.

Of course Wrecking Ball isn't about Liam, that would imply that she had something to do with it being written.

I have looked at the "If someone is passed out they're not even WITH you consciously! so WITH Implies consent." tweet in every way possible and I cannot fathom what he means. At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt and took it to mean that what he's saying is that if you're unconcious, you're not "with" someone,

Oooh. We are gonna get some classy, classy comments on this article.

The photo would be removed out of respect?!? How about, the photo will be reposted in its original condition out of respect?

I know im going to get ambushed with hate replies; if you are selfish enough to drive drunk, and kill someone, you deserve to be shot on the spot. Scum like those should never be forgiven. Just take a taxi, have a DD, or walk home, but don't be a life destroying, selfish shit, because we will never get our best

Anyone else find it weird that he differentiates between "daughters" and "children"?

You're totally right; the way in which he has turned down most of his sponsorship opportunities, canceled the reality documentary after negative feedback, performed well in the preseason, and given one interview since being drafted by the Rams (in which he talked about how performing well in the preseason gave him

Don't hate the panda. Hate the game.

Years ago, some kids in my neighborhood, a brother and sister, were playing hide and seek. They were about 8 and 9 years old. I was sitting outside with the kids' mom and some other neighbors as the brother came running by us, telling his mom not to tell his sister where he hid (behind a tree a few feet away). A

Do you think somebody would really do that? Just tell lies on the internet?

The main reason that the Madonna-Britney kiss was such a huge deal was that they were both megastars in their own right. Anyone of lesser star power who reenacts it just looks like they're grasping for attention, and anyone equally huge would feel it had been done and would choose some other stunt. Sit down, Rita.

Where have I seen this "I ang so crayssy! I'm a kooky Latina!" act before? Oh, yeah. Charo, circa late '70s. *sigh*

I love Sofia and she's really funny but she seems like the type that says "that's why I only have dude friends!"

I don't think that anyone is saying that you can't be hot and funny, or that Sofia Vergara isn't both.