
I live in Southeast Michigan & I can't express how happy I was when I looked at the front page of the Detroit Free Press & saw he was convicted.

Welp, there is that Florida lady who shot blindly into the dark when she heard a noise while babysitting her grandchildren and shot her 7 year old grandson. No charges, not even child endangerment. I will never understand how she didn't get at least some sort of misdemeanor for that. Thank god the kid is expected to

The first rule of shooting someone in the face is don't change your story once you go to trial. I love how people think saying "it was an accident" will get them out of trouble like it does a 6 year old.


Well, at least now I know I'm not a paranoid psycho for being terrified of this exact thing happening.

We don't do ignorant people any favors by enabling their ignorance.

The first two letter writers seriously need to cut those friends out of their lives. People who are racist and people who are rude to service employees are the worst kind of people. They don't deserve friends. Life is too short to waste time being friends with awful people who sooner or later will direct their

Everybody in this life has his or her personal line that cannot be crossed. I want you to ask yourself what your line is.

I'm putting my vote in for "better access to contraception"... You can get free condoms at school, the doctor, Planned Parenthood... even some drug stores will put out a bowl of them for embarrassed kids to snag on the sly. People just randomly hand them out. I tried tossing some multicolored condoms out from a float

I'd be willing to bet that, despite the legislation pushing abstinence only education, teens these days, now more than ever, have nigh unfettered access to information via the internet, which has led to teens being more educated about sex and pregnancy than ever before.

In 1991, women who had had sex ed, birth control and abortion available their whole lives were starting to have kids. These children have grown up in a world where birth control is ok and expected, and with less shame about sex (there's still too much idiocy and shame out there, but it's miles better than it used to

Can we sue them for constantly blathering about the Duggars like they are some sort of American royalty?

By staring at them and pointing their dick at them while masturbating.

"I called the police, who came to the Panera and told me they couldn't file an official report if the man was gone."

Thought Catalog is nothing but a failed humanity experiment, like eugenics or Pauly Shore.

My office blocks Thought Catalog (but not Jezebel!!!), so that's a sign of their garbage content.

He could have said "I am not going to marry you."

This is no shock to anyone who's ever requested that a dude call sexual harassment out when he sees it or said "Men don't listen to women about this stuff; men listen to other men about this stuff."

Do you dare risk to try the amaze ramp of death?

There is nothing sadder than a empty convention. When several people worked really hard to make this all happen, and then it doesn't pay of, and the sad feeling gets multiplied with the vast emptiness of the hall.