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    Sure! I grew up in a rural area and mass shooters posted their manifestos in the town square like, all the time.

    “the last decade’ lmao my dude then you know NOTHING

    100% a dogwhistle. 

    Rick, after all these years of writing on the Internet, you know better than to insinuate that a critic cultivated their list with insincerity specifically to upset people and generate buzz.

    My question is why the hell do you maintain those kind of class distinctions? Future QoE? Who cares? 

    “cold but commendably cruel” y’all have such a boner for hating these two that you’ll openly applaud the nastiest shit. Please, please stop pretending you don’t love every single second of this. “what more could you ask for, besides none of it at all?” my ass

    Soooo....are we supposed to feel bad for her? You made your bed at the expense of other women. Now go lie in it. 

    John it's getting really sad that this is what you write about now. Have some self respect. 

    Kate honey you can gush all you want, doesn’t change the fact that he cheats on you. 

    Can someone explain to me why Sisi Jiang is assigned to these sensitive stories and why the hell they’re even working at Kotaku at all

    Let me get this straight. Smelling blood in the water, you decided to go to this show so you could justify snootily piling on?


    But will I watch it? Obviously.” good grief I hate enthusiast culture so so so much

    I mean, she has a personality disorder, which makes having a concrete sense of identity very very hard. 

    She was a bigot who made people’s lives hell.

    Right, because selling timeshares is such a respectable line of work.

    Could you please bother to report details correctly? In no state is a 17 year old allowed to be a bartender, and your misstated fact is derailing the conversation.

    Who fuckin cares, she loves Chris Brown. 

    Maybe she perceived it as a slight. Let’s be honest, she doesn’t have the hits to carry an entire Super Bowl performance by herself. 

    Jennifer Lopez is obviously on a campaign to ret-con her image and significance to the industry and boy y’all are just eatin’ it up aren’t ya.

    On one hand, cool dude go and sin no more. On the other, you owe it to everyone to be as much an evangelist for the truth as you once were for hate.