
It was if millions of bros cried out in terror and were not silenced.

Thank you for that. Yes you can beat up prostitutes, but you can literally beat up anyone in the game.

Shut the fuck up, Old Media, we broke up with you for a reason.

This is the thing that gets me: the prostitute violence thing is one of the LEAST troubling of the sexism issues in video games, because that's not a deliberately problematic choice. That's just an outgrowth of the fact that a) there are prostitutes in the game world, and b) you can beat up anyone in the game world.

Obviously these men feel threatened by it. They seem to think women lead such different lives that they could never follow a plot about a woman. What, do you think I want a game about my period? About my boobies? Do you think my vagina will get all over your game? You want a back story of a woman? Parents were

Of course, blithely suggesting that women "just make a game themselves" fails to take into account multiple considerations. If a fantastic game concept has only a female lead, it will be probably less likely to get the backing and monetary support necessary to flesh it out into the awesome game that shows the public

i wish. I'm not angry today, I'm seriously seriously upset. I'm so fucking tired of all this bullshit. I know it's supremely stupid to equate Texas/Ohio fuckery with a stupid video game (that includes beating up prostitutes as one of its 'perks') and yet here I am, having yet MORE men patting me on the head and

But don't they understand, if I start devoting all of my time to making my own games, I won't have enough time to have sex with them? I'm such a bitch!

at least they can't tell me to go back to jezebel.

And if it is, I'm prepared for a million comments hyperventilating "You won't play a game because of the gender of the characters? WHO'S THE REAL SEXIST HUUUUH!!" over and over ad nauseum while everyone else head-desks.

My boyfriend told me that, before we got together, he would refuse to play female characters. His reasonings were pretty weak, as they always are, so I argued that refusing to play as a female was a slap in my face because he saw my sex as weaker and not worthy of video game adventures (then I forced him to start a

It won't matter. They can sense a disturbance in the force.

My thoughts exactly. The commentariat on Kotaku is absolutely fucking awful.


Oh thank goodness its not just me. Every time I see a new GTA coming out my immediate reaction is DO. WANT. NOW. and then I feel guilt because as a black woman I'm considered other in that game. I love sandbox games and games in general but its such a hostile environment if you happen to have a uterus. I'm either not

How is the new Lara Croft shitty? I thought it was amazing and quite daring to take a female character that had dissolved into nothing but "boobz 'n gunz!!11!" and turn her into a complex, capable woman with motivation, aspirations, and incredible skills. All of this AND none of the creepy male-gaze sexualization.

Yes, actually. Showing women as realistic, flawed, ***human beings*** is what feminism is about. It's not about putting us on a pedestal as the sacrosanct guardians of morality.

I was planning on buying GTAV, but at this point I'm not going to. I'm tired of their being no female leads in video games. There are three main characters, and you are telling me not a single one of them could be a woman? It's just idiotic at this point. GTAV will be an economic success, but my money will not be part

My husband chooses to play the female character on Mass Effect, and I also see him being Lara Croft quite often. I think it's a myth that men won't play women characters.

I don't get why they don't just do character creation. Whatever. I'll be over here, playing the shit out of the next Saints Row game.