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    "Reteurs"? "Palenstian"? OK ladies I know it's the first day back at work for many of us, but come on now.

    Seattle enacted this ban not too long ago. Nope, not drowning in dog poop. Mostly because people buy those small plastic bags actually designed for picking up poop. In my neighborhood some of the apartment buildings actually provide the bags in a small dispenser outside in the garden areas.

    If you don't then why are you still here...justifying your shitty attitude everywhere? Seems like for as certain as you are of your opinion deep down inside you know it's bullshit.

    Not according to you, you backwards piece of shit.

    So that justifies your shitty attitude? Wow you're the human equivalent of a distended dog's rectum, and just as appealing.

    Right, so she does something clearly indicating she needs help but fuck her, don't give her help, let's unleash her upon society simply because giving help to people who have hurt others is like a total drag. Why indulge in understanding and sympathy when you can simply write people off and allow them to continue to

    Literally, your attitude is why many addicts never can or will get the help they need. Clearly this issue still affects your life quite a bit every day. I suggest you get therapy.

    Didn't say you had to have them in your life, but do know that your dismissive, one size fits all attitude is a huge part of the problem.

    That doesn't mean you get to write off everyone as the same.

    Just that so many of you would stop by to reiterate how selfish you feel addicts are is a huge part of the problem.

    Hi. I'm an addict. I can't stop drinking alcohol. I am a successful published writer that holds down, in addition to my job as an editor, a second job as a hostess to support both my dad and ex mil. I'm not a piece of shit. Until a short time ago I was abused my entire life and have severe neurological damage as a

    That show had a lot of heart sometimes and gave me the courage to be more frank and real about my sexuality but yeesh their attitudes on bisexuality are just ugly and rude.

    Driving through certain areas is very depressing; I used to live there, my family is still living there and when I go to visit, it's worse every time. I make a "joke" about doing a photo set with pics from Detroit and post war Czech Republic compared with the headline BUT WHICH ONE IS THE REAL DETROIT. My mom was like

    As someone who's entire maternal side of the family is from Detroit (8 mile during the race riots) and lived in Detroit but is now in Seattle...fuck you. Fuck you so hard. Saying my city now in some way shape or form is as bad as when I had it there, just no.

    Not an angry person, just at people like you who come in here acting like you have all the answers and none of us have thought this through...even though it affects our lives every day and you literally said the same thing we hear every. single. day. Thank you for moving along.

    That has never been the point of GTA. It may be what YOU do, but of the GTA games I've played, I've never been put through a mission where the objective was to rape and murder hookers.

    No, it's not a generalization. You immediately dismissing me is a huge part of the problem.

    I've been in games journalism for five years. I've experienced and witnessed and been on the receiving end of more misogyny than you can possibly imagine. At one point I actually did what the trolls told me and "made my own

    And then when we "make our own games" they'll yell at us for excluding men and "creating" the gender division we hate! Been there, done that. Next please.

    As a five year veteran of games journalism, I could not agree with you more. And GTA was among the first series I ever really got into.

    Beautiful, though it does hilariously highlight how stupid the lyrics are.