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    It may not be the athlete's fault, but a highly revered football program, to the point where participants were practically treated as gods, is partially to blame for this tragedy being allowed to continue. Time to take Penn State down a peg or two.

    And yet Jezebel is responsible for this very same behavior daily. See: Tomb Raider, any number of other issues.

    Gee I bet you guys found this story all by yourselves too. That top paragraph doesn't at all sound like something I've read somewhere else.

    Wow I wish his reality reflected my reality. Online gaming would be a lot more fun. Annoying, but better than receiving threats or constant insults.

    Believing in anything without solid proof is ridiculous. Sorry.

    Oh aren't you sweet. For you darlin', I totally will. Send me a message on Etsy and we'll get you all set up.

    Oh neato! Is it weather proof and long lasting? No? Oh bummer.

    How's that condescending thing working out for you? Feel good? My point was that the image wasn't a pixel sprite as it appears at regular view in the game, only zoomed in did it appear pixelated.

    "No business"? LOL. Could you sound a bit more needlessly outraged? The point wasn't to make it a vector, I wanted to make it out of Perler beads because then it'd be durable and weather proof. And I like pixel art, even if not everyone does.

    Honestly, if the OP can both do all the pixel work (recreate the image in pixels through his own efforts, and not through mine) and order the necessary beads and pegboards and tweezers and ironing paper and still find it worth everything compared to my price of a mere five dollars plus S&H, then by all means I wish

    Their work wasn't pixelated when they created it, it only appeared so once I zoomed in on the image. I then adjusted the image for symmetry and used a bit of Posterize in Photoshop to even things out. What I made was not necessarily a direct recreation. The upper left portion is a direct pixel by pixel recreation,

    Kind of a bitch move, too, taking someone else's pixelated work and recreating it.

    Of course, but you're still bitching like a child. I mean, you're complaining about 8 bit on Etsy like it's a bad thing.

    It was already pixelated. Calm down.

    For the record, I took the pixels from the actual game by zooming in on the icon and then adjusting for blur. They're as they are in-game, excluding the adjustments I made for symmetry.

    Not gonna lie, I would too. AND the pasties.

    I've already gotten requests to turn the other version of this item, the quest item markers, into thongs.

    Heh heh actually all I had at my disposal at the time was the camera on my Droid Incredible. I'm a PC player on Ultra settings, you can actually see my work on the Elder Scrolls Wiki, where I provide a lot of the photos.

    It's stuff like this that seriously makes me wonder why the hell I'm not doing more tech writing. If this vapid crap can get published, then surely I can.

    Wow, you are the most vapid, judgmental, shallow twat I've heard of in my life. Seriously. What was the point of this article?