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    Always look out for the ones you can compare to Michael Scott. My boyfriend's company was very amused when I accurately compared their boss to Michael Scott; he was just as unaware and socially crippled and awkward as Michael is. Aaaand later they found out he hired on his prostitute at work, embezzled money from the

    Someone get this woman a job writing SATC The Movie 3.

    I know I shouldn't waste my anger on this, but it just makes me so mad. When is enough, enough? There are women killing themselves out there and still their images need to be Photoshopped down even thinner. When are we going to see anorexic four year olds on stilts walking the runway?

    Writers get to be divas now? I'm totally in the right business.

    Yawn. Maybe I shouldn't feel bad for ya Tavi, 'cause you seem pretty self assured, but it's gotta be doubly disheartening and annoying when you're condescended to not only because you're female, but also a minor. That's what I hear when I read this—utter, undeniable condescension from someone who probably doesn't even

    And if we're taking orders from Olivia Munn, perhaps we should look to her in the whole "inserting food in mouth" department, too. Meaning suggestively putting it in, and out, and in again for the tittilation and amusement of the juvenile G4 crowd. Yay, respect for women!

    Don't mind her, she only just got her Boy's Club membership badge in the mail; I'm sure she's just wanting to take it for a test spin.

    @MissMollyKate: Exactly. In the case of women, who are "supposed" to be these paradigms of morality, they choose to be truly offended. Men are allowed to revel in their own wretchedness, whereas women are supposed to be above such things. Eff that.

    I wrote this on the last post, but a little late to the game, apologies for reposting. As an aspiring comedy writer, I'd like to put in my two cents. One thing I didn't see above...

    @Justine: Agreed. It doesn't help that people will assume the worst of women where they will give men the benefit of a doubt.

    @SUNNY1: You two *shakes head* I just can't stop giggling.

    @SarsDoesntSave: Agreed, it's about breaking that mold to see what's there, really. Good ole fashioned cronyism does definitely contribute to an atmosphere where women aren't even being considered in the first place, much less scouted properly. Straight white dudes hiring more straight white dudes. No wonder we get

    @SarsDoesntSave: Thank you for your reply. I think with Ellen, she has a very disarming sense of humor. She's very approachable and harmless, and I think that's why it works for her. And it helps that her jokes are actually funny. I'm hard pressed to think of a single female comic that has "made it" without having to

    @Sundeiru: You know, the booth babes at Nintendo were well informed and helpful. I had no issue with them. And I understand the appeal of cosplay and how it draws attention. But not only are there other ways, ways that don't use the female body, to draw attention (anyone see the Rift display?), there are also ways to

    @Kanji08: It's not even so much the exploitation (though there's a bit of that too) so much as it was so gender-specific. E3 and video games are not gender specific, so I inherently resented the marketing that suggested it was.

    @Atomic B: I think it's already been here. Feminism tries very hard to reinforce the idea that it's about "CHOICE". If traditional values are yours, then have at 'em. If not, well, you shouldn't be forced into them, either socially or otherwise.

    @Jmarsh04: I'm not saying they don't enjoy it, or that they're being enslaved somehow. What I don't appreciate is a very gender specific type of marketing at an event that is not solely full of heterosexual males.

    @Ivan_J: It's kind of fun to see morons such as yourself who think that the only reason a woman could possibly object to seeing other women used as decoration is because she can't do it, herself. Simply put, I don't value the male gaze. This does not mean I fit some kind of preconceived notion of yours...guess what,

    @mernmern: Brain dead? Um, no. And calling someone a chick, someone whose intelligence I doubt very much, is not akin to an anti feminist slur. You're nitpicking solely to try and discredit what I have to say. Nice try.