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    @Kolian: I'm perfectly aware of why they would use the ploy. I'm not stupid.

    @leno40: I'm gonna point out the obvious here that there is a huge wage disparity between male and female models that can be attributed to the high value we place on sexualized images of women, in turn caused by the even higher value we place on masculinity and the male libido and the false dichotomy that women do not

    @Qik: It's cute that you have no problems riverting to your basest and most caveman like state. I know the status quo, as it stands, is very fun for people like you. But simply put, men aren't the only ones on the face of the earth, and they weren't the ones on E3. Your attraction to women is not a justification for

    @SwiftTomHanks: Then they should eliminate booth babes. They are exclusionary in nature because you never see the male equivalent. At the Trion booth, there was a cosplayer who wore an outfit for Rift that actually was the costume for a character within the game. However, at the End of Nations display, there was a

    @somnambulance: To point that out is to deny that there is an obvious power imbalance between men and women that make it very different when women are used to promote a product. And actually, I have very little problem with models in general, but there's a difference between using a model and putting a woman on

    @Revariance: Oh for fuck's sake, don't act like I'm a party pooping boner killer just because I want to see women treated like more than just an empty hole for you to stick your dick in.

    @Liptons: While I'm aware that sex sells, it's condescending to us all. And to just leave it at that and not argue that something has to change seems...well, socially irresponsible at the very least.

    @Rondogg: No, gross. But look at the behavior thrown Kellan Lutz' way and you begin to slightly understand.

    @cityslicker: I don't appreciate lip service. Those dudes were not half naked with the outline of their dongs showing through their pants, were they? Maybe writhing seductively up against the bars? Had they been, we'd be even.

    I know I'm just gonna get slaughtered for this but as an aspiring comedy writer, I'd like to put in my two cents.

    @MisterS42: Yes, articles that validate your incessant need to objectify women by giving it the "but that chick said it was ok!" greenlight are fucking awesome.

    @Travakh: I'm sure much of her post was crafted to create that very sentiment.

    Ooooh I get it. You're one of those chicks that participates in the subjugation of woman as a means to "get in on the fun" instead of having to think too hard. Booth babes: unnecessary, distracting, and a constant reminder that Capcom, Nyko, Trion, et al see women as decoration.

    @zu_zu: There isn't anyone you could make a heroine that women could look up without making them part of pop culture. Sure, we've all said "moms and sisters and aunts and grandmothers are the real heroes and role models" but unfortunately, the most vulnerable and impressionable minds usually reject that notion.

    @zu_zu: About a billion people have said it publicly. It's about the least original thing to say about gay marriage since "God hates fags".

    @zu_zu: Regardless of whether or not we SHOULD be looking to these people as role models, the fact is, people are shaped by their environment. It's the combination of all the hidden messages we see in media, fiction and otherwise that shape our world view and our understanding of everyone's place in it. I didn't learn

    @wedropscience: Poor woman, nothing. She's a big girl. Big enough to be president of CBS. Something tells me she can take the heat. You have no reason to even assume that she's in any beleaguered position to the extent that she can be labeled "poor woman". We have no reason to feel sorry for her.

    @JennaW: Word. It might be a valid point but it's still just an attempt to take away from what I had to say. Just because a man's knowledge is questioned doesn't mean his capability is. Not so when you're a woman.

    @CrapCommentFromADude: To a certain extent, I'll agree. I've seen dudes try to prove a lot to one another, before. I just think they get more of a benefit of a doubt than I do. I mean, if a guy goes into Best Buy, he doesn't run the risk of the questions being directed at his girlfriend if he doesn't speak up right

    I'm reading all these comments about not being condescended and it suddenly occurred to me, a woman working in the tech industry, how many times I'd gone out of my way to say something that I knew demonstrated my level of knowledge about electronics, just so the salesperson wouldn't direct questions at my boyfriend or