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    Token black! Token lady! Wow you guys are so progressive. It's like when the video game sites I read daily (I'm an editor an an online gaming rag) have editors that claim they're not sexist, 'cause once a month they have a female columnist write a post about "girl stuff". I'm not kidding, I've actually seen that

    @sanssentiment: OK...but you can't have Josh Holloway. lol.

    "Can you learn more life lessons from working in porn than from going to an ivy league school?"

    @la.donna.pietra: And if they all cry "This is dildos" when they're pissed, a la Swisgaar Swkigelf, then I'm sold.

    @cate3710: Exactly. Encouraging women to be dependent upon men is not going to help. It contributes to a culture wherein women are not taught the skills they need to hold jobs, which will probably make their unemployment problem worse in the future. Women are rarely prepared for the reality of not being dependent

    It's sad that this place—I believe it's called...Sweden? just sounds like some kind of fairy tale happy land where, coincidentally, vodka martinis and Oreo brownies also grow from trees. They've simply opted out of the cult of masculinity, and I envy them.

    @hannelore: Same! And I hate celebrities too!

    @ink: Hey, you were the one that went out of your way to make something more negative than it really is.

    @SamIam24: I did too, but it did hurt that it had to be that Chris Brown song. Right after he beat Rihanna up. How fucking romantic!

    @ink: And you're slaying us all by taking a sarcastic comment literally and pretending it makes you insightful.

    @polypam: lol I felt stupid for even knowing it, but I remember Matt LeBlanc mentioning it when he was talking about how he lost some weight.

    @lauralauramc: I'd have gone with 50 First Dates, m'self.

    I once propped a school auditorium door open juuuust so, in a way that no one could tell that it was open. This was, of course, so I could sneak in later and have sex in the green room...and on the stage...and on some seats. Also, the roof there. Again, door propping was needed.

    Sigh. Contradictions: we raise them as girls to be weak and subservient to men, then we expect them to be the chaste, strong willed women who push the off button when it comes to sex.

    I'm surprised anyone actually made note of the Cobb salad remark. It's been known for years that Aniston ate a Cobb salad for lunch every day while working on Friends.

    I basically trust Lindsay Lohan as far as I can throw her, but I will say that it's possible she's telling the truth. Those SCRAM bracelets can be a bitch. Michelle Rodriguez was saying how even washing her hair set off the bracelet, due to some alcohol in the shampoo. You have to be really careful.

    @k8ertot: From some of the studying I've done, it seems to at least be partially tied to unnecessary C-sections. In that sense, our industrialization worked against us. At one point, up to 1/4 of births in the US were done by C-section, many of them completely unnecessary.

    @Danza: We're seriously judging people based on color now? The color of their electronics?

    Most unhealthy dessert list? More like bucket list.

    @tinybubbles: I refuse to have it reset, and trading or selling it is not up to me. It was his decision that trading it or selling it, with things as they are now, would not fetch an amount he felt comfortable with. If he'd thought a jeweler would give him a fair price I'm sure he would have gone a long time ago.