It was all fake-Wedge’s fault...

What you just wrote. Exactly. I’ve never been a big fan of SW and will always be a Trek fan, and yet the score...the score! Totally the score. Miklos Rozsa level awesomeness (and yes, Rozsa trained Jerry Goldsmith, and was an inspiration to John Williams).

What would Star Wars have been like with Danny Elfman? Or

Harrison was a grumpy old man when he was a baby. It was the role he was...wait for it...BORN to play. (grumble grumble...)

If you used it to ‘bate your hand, though I would think it would be the reverse of that. Or do you have anatomical features we’d rather not know about...?

I’m not even an avid Star Wars fan and I’m laughing to tears at this GIF. OMG, hahahaha!!!

Here come the juvenile, purile, bad jokes such as: “Gay-tality”, “Homosexu-ality”, “Finish Him Off!”, a Fatality called “The Reach-around”, “Mortal Kum-bat”, “Anal Kombat”...and on...and on...and on...

Because, you know, gamers are the most adult and accepting facet of our society (eyeroll, sigh...)

I’m still waiting

What this image got accurate:
1) She is a Minority.
2) She is not a high school student.

What this image got inaccurate:
1) She is smiling.
2) She is wearing makeup.
3) She is looking at the customer.
4) The customer has salad on their tray.
5) The customer has ONLY salad on their tray.

Thank you McFastfood, for giving us a

Sorry, here are the two chicks. In nothing but short skirts. ;-)

“a hot chick in underwear”? Well, here are two chicks wearing nothing but short skirts.

And yes, if someone really angers you, no matter how attractive or minimally dressed, it is VERY easy to argue with them.

Probably true. Though “Shoes from Poland” would make a good name for a new fashion line. Or the name to a concept album by a music group...

“The original hummer”? How do you know what the...oh, wait. You meant the car. Nevermind.

Wow. I’ve been gone for about...10 years? 12 years?, and coming back, I see that exactly TWO shows out of that whole list look even remotely...interesting.

1) Heroic Legend of Arslan

2) Ore Monogatari

The rest of the entries look to be continuations of the same genres which were creeping in (or becoming established) when

Andy, you mean "the science"? You forgot "the quotes". Whose usage I can only guess shows that dinalohan doesn't believe in Science, or reality, or evidence, or...whatever challengers her "opinion".

And DinaLohan, you lost weight because you stopped eating shit food, which happens to contain gluten, but also corn

Now it doesn’t sound like “Shoes from Poland, and other leather items”, but rather “You can shine shoes and other leather items”.

“They send you here for life, and that’s exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyway”

PHL. (Shudder)

One of the worst airports I’ve ever flown through. When it doesn’t look like “Las Vegas” with its glitzy lights and loud televisions, it looks abandoned; torn up carpets, dirty floors, garbage everywhere, ceiling tiles falling in, dilapidated seating, missing signs, stains on the walls, a complete lack

Isn't that gif from one of the Brady movies? I recognize both Christine Taylor and Jennifer Cox in that scene.

What is this person flying? The Red Baron's biplane?

‘Pac-Homino’. Your favorite little guy vs the four ghosts; Veni, Vidi, Vici, and Vino.
