Yeah, that's what I thought. Apple batteries are just COTS LiPos that work great in thin rectangular objects where power draw is measured in milliamps and it's mAh ratings in a given size they care about.

Because Apple makes a large amount of battery powered products and regardless of whether they're building a car it makes sense to have battery engineers. Although A123 makes Li-ion batteries not the LiPos in an iPhone/MacBook... Who knows, maybe they want to develop a LiPo pack for a car or more likely a more power

For literally as long as I can remember I have loved the Jug. Everyone likes the P51 but the P47 is better.

I'm embarrassed to say I forgot the P47 was only turbocharged... I guess I mentally combined the specs of the F4U and P47.

My entire life has been a lie! I feel like a fool. I have let down the Thunderbolt!

I've also basing my totally biased opinion on what I have seen flying for almost half a decade in the busy Northeast... The PC12 is everywhere. It's almost the 172 of turboprops (King Air aside). Look at PlaneSmart they have a PC12 fleet and a single CJ it would be natural for them to get a fleet of PC24s as well

Pilatus also has brand recognition... Lots of people buy PC12s because they haul a lot of stuff. I'd wager a lot will be sold to frax operators and charter airlines who currently operate CJs and PC12s.

Pilatus has a huge market share in the turboprop market and I doubt they'd spend the R&D to develop this thing if they didn't have a market share they thought they could capture/make. The CJs are great but they don't have the multi role functionality of a Pilatus. The PC12 literally does everything. A versatile light

Car? Airplane? Both have wheels:

That's because the engine is >2ft in diameter and the PC24 is pretty big... It looks small because it is.

If you consider how compact an FJ44 is the nacelle is just the right size.

The PC24 is going to revolutionize the light jet market. It has range, payload, and short runway performance. I can see a lot of these being sold.

Lights might not even be CANbus, they could be from the fob. If it's a car old enough to have an unsecured CAN I'm surprised it has the ability to communicate wirelessly with the outside world.

Apple, a company worth almost 1 trillion dollars doesn't need experience. They can buy it. They didn't get that rich not having a clue what they hell they're doing. Apple will be just fine.

First thing I thought of:


GEnx would work very well.

I mean they're basically the same engine...The CFM is based off the CF6.

No they wouldn't. The B-52 TF33 makes 17k pounds the CFM LEAP makes around 30k pounds. Also, the CFM is based off the CF6.

CFM engines are in the best selling plane in the history of planes (the 737). More than the CF6. Rolls got chosen for the C130/V22 because they bought out Allison.