I own the worse kind of luxury car— a very high mileage/kinda high performance one. I have a second car, ample space to work on it, the knowhow to work on it, a dedicated forum, and a bunch that have been totalled so I never have to worry about hard to find parts! I'm also aware that ever 120k miles the car needs

I can't afford a new one either (I buy 'em off craigslist!) yeah, I'm talking Euro delivery. Lower price and a free vacation. No dealer required.

Get the shooting brake version!

I'm a citizen of CT and this is pure fucking bullshit. No other words for it. Good riddance to dealers. Why shouldn't I, the consumer, be able to cut out the middleman whose only purpose is to be a warehouse for the car I'm gonna buy. If I want an option that's not available as a dealer install they're gonna have to

Where's Doug when you need him... (to buy this and drive the ever living shit out of it)

BMW made this because Americans won't buy proper wagons. Therefore, BMW decided to slope the roof... You can see how easy it would be to make that a long roof... Too bad only the Polestar V60 and E63AMG exist as performance wagons in America.

That old Range Rovers are reliable. I mean will the heat/wipers/ac/radio/doors/windows/lights work after a certain point well no. But the car will still run because it's a bored, stroked, EFI'd Buick V8.

Indeed. I think the Virginia class already has one.

Reactor technology has come a long way since the 60s. A ship with a similar power requirement to a nuclear submarine (50k SHP/ 30mw) would be well served by a reactor as it's a lifetime (30+year) core. That's the big difference between current reactors and 1st/2nd gen ones.. the core is the life of the boat. No need

Nuclear powered ships should make a comeback... Never have to refuel and you can go as fast as you want forever.

The correct displacement is 2.5l, the correct number of cylinders is 5, the correct number of turbos is 1. Says the Volvo owner...

Why do you do this to me? I won't be able to focus for the rest of the day!

If only it came in wagon (and I had $120k (mostly the $120k)) I'd take the D instantly.

I want the D

This is the second best snowblower in existence. The first being the ever popular jet engine snowblower.

The words 'old MIG and complicated' just don't seem to belong in the same sentence together. Still simple compared to an American fighter of the same vintage.

The Range Rover is the most iconic and beautiful vehicle ever produced. Keep you Mclarens Lamborghinis, and Ferraris. Give me a Range Rover any day. Is it kind of unfortunate that they're city crawlers now? Yes. But without a lot of people buying them I couldn't buy a 10 year old one for $5k and go have fun in comfort

Get a V70R Doug.

I will never own anything other than a Range Rover and a Volvo. The "and" is very important...

"I purchased a 2006 Range Rover – the IKEA bookcase of automotive build quality"