It only took 10 years for Ford to take a Volvo S60R and compress it into a hatchback. Put the 5T back in and it's a Volvo... Although the rear brakes would need to be much bigger for it to be an R...

Good job Ford. I'll buy one of these in 7 years off Craigslist.

$16,500 that's a paddlin'

Glad the pilot survived. That was pretty insane. 26G seats and seatbelts save lives.

It is a boat engine...

A 5T with an open downpipe will be loud enough enough to make your teeth feel like they're gonna fall out it's so loud. Sounds epic but it's god awful.

Sounds like a tractor... Oh wait it is a tractor engine. Ahh Volvo

Or at least jet based hypersonic flight... It does most of what an SSTO does without the obnoxious fuel requirements of LEO.

While I (unfortunately) agree this bomber is probably the last manned one to be built (what a world we live in!) I think it's a mistake on the part of the military to move to an unmanned bomber in the future. we know GPS can be spoofed and communications jammed and unless it has the capability to launch on its own


1999 Volvo V70R

The interior of the new Disco looks a bit cheap to me... I think Land Rover did really well the new Range Rover Sport and Range Rover interior and the new Disco just doesn't compare at all.

Why didn't they use Azipods? Think of the handling improvements and efficiency increases from them.

Rent it, don't buy it.

Shudders at the mention of a 421... That fucking plane. I know a turbine converted one and even that has been a clusterfuck. Just buy a damn King Air or TBM for $1mil and save yourself in the long run.

Yeah, I can imagine... And I'm sure it doesn't last 15 years thus negating the cost.

That's what the insurance is for.

I think that's only for the planes without a service hatch already installed because they have to cut a hole in the plane and then patch it.

Ferry tank malfunctioned leading to fuel starvation apparently.

$10k to replace a CAPS every 10 years.
