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Reminds me of a more epic version of this:

Yeah but you need a minimum of $30k to get where the 8k hour 172 I found on Controller is at. And it's 13 years newer It's not just the really low hours, it's the lack of a serviceable panel, and the need to replace the engine the second you buy it. The engine has been sitting and rusting for like 20 years. The second

Hot damn that is amazing.

Best engine ever and a super iconic airframe. Goes blazingly fast. It's almost perfection.

Good point.

I'm surprised they didn't go with a Walter/GE turboprop.

The PT6A is everywhere. RR hasn't gotten into the small turbine market as much. Although the C 340 conversion uses RR turbines.

Indeed they did. But the P-Baron is pressurized... Very useful.

And yet in airplane land that's great fuel economy for a turbine. 26gph per side is only 10 more than what the piston version is.

They wanted to put a 350hp IO550 in it back when they first announced it. I'd assume they redesigned the tail for 465hp.

N0t that crazy when you consider that a 465shp gas turbine weighs far less than the 3-400hp piston engine Diamond wanted to put in the DA50. Also given the almost nonexistent ability to get avgas outside of America and some parts of Europe a turbine makes a lot of sense. Diesels just don't make enough power for the

In the rain, at night, with 20ft seas!

Depends on the autopilot. No piston aircraft (that I know of) has autothrottles (speed control) you just set the power level you want and leave it. However, most autopilots will hold altitude and follow the flight plan in the GPS. They can handle a lot of disturbance.

Given that the airframe has 1800 hours and the engine has 1500 I'm gonna say 'not for a while'

If only the automatic in my car allowed me to make a sandwich concentrate on other things.

Force = Mass x Acceleration

Haha no it is not. An autopilot is a huge benefit during long distance cross country flights and in IMC. There are very few airplanes I would purchase without an autopilot.

Yeah, I wouldn't buy this 172... Given the low hours on the plane I'd be pretty weary about the condition of the engine... It has just been sitting... For 5 decades... Also, needs a decent panel upgrade to be useful. Only an idiot would buy that 172.

The new Sport is the first Sport I'd consider buying because it's based on the Range Rover, not the LR3/Discovery. The stylistic cues are a little too Land Rover Evoque and not enough Range Rover Classic for my taste (and that's a qualm of mine with the real Range Rover too...)

It's basically just a 3G modem, GPS, and data-logger. Does it really surprise anyone that it's not secure? OBDII isn't secure. If that box had the ability to clear fault codes it could send a lot of cars into some form of limp home mode until the car is restarted.