Isn't weather just amazing? Good thing airliner landing gear can take a whole lotta side loading.

My favorite comment when shopping for Land Rover products is 'no leaks' yeah... It's either true (and the car is out of oil/coolant/magic smoke), or they're lying. Be afraid of a non-leaking Land Rover, be very afraid.

Stop it. I cannot handle the end of the Defender it is too painful. Damn you JLR killing off the most iconic SUV ever.

You will not be going to space today.

If only Subaru would make the livery in a production car. It's a really nice camo.

Well I officially give up. These are as much Frigates as P.T. Boats were.

I actually really like the new design. It's like an Audi XC70. I'd still rather have an RS5 Wagon though.

In combat aviation if you don't evolve your technology and tactics you die. It's just that simple. Given that fact that modern fighters have such good sensor arrays it's only logical that the pilot should be independent of a ground based facility. The guy in the front seat will always have better situational awareness

Good call. It should be painted and sealed.

Yet another fantastic article. The W220 water issue seems as overblown as the Volvo ETM issue of 1999-2001. A seemingly complex problem with a super simple solution. In the Volvo's case it's to replace the ETM for $80 from eBay. This is even simpler. Drill a hole.

Nuke boats can be surprisingly quiet in a low power configuration because you can run them without the coolant pumps, instead relying on natural circulation.

A nuke boat with a 15000 ft test depth is a pretty fantastic concept and I wouldn't doubt its existence especially given that the Russian Akula is a conventionally hulled boat that'll do something like 2000 ft plus. Replace the cylindrical hull with spheres like in a DSRV or research submersible and upping that

This is what happens when you make the password Centc0m123

Bingo. While I wouldn't buy a V8 Super Car because it's not sleeper enough for me (I'm waiting for your post in 5 years about the Audi RS7) I wholeheartedly agree with your approach. However, I'm weird, I do it with Volvos.

I'm aware. I wasn't saying it was easy, just easier than 10000ft water in the Atlantic.

They'll find them soon. That I'm sure. It's much easier to find objects in 100ft diveable waters and not the 10000ft deep Atlantic as with AF447. Still it's a difficult job to locate two microwave sized boxes on the seafloor that are probably covered with mud and debris. Such a tragedy.

You can't handle the truth shorts


I'm exceedingly saddened by the demise of the Defender. It is one of the last pure off road vehicles. Such an iconic design.

Mini made a coupe? And a roadster? I had no idea.