I’m just completely befuddled by people who are aghast at Saudi Arabia’s beheading who seemingly have no issue with tying people to a chair and electrocuting them. Or tying them down for an excruciating drug-induced death. Sorry for the graphic nature but you are right, it is anathema to any concept of civil society.

Donald Trump: orders women to pee on a mattress.

According to what I’ve read, while the rate of increase seems high, the absolute numbers are still low. I.e. 16 kids admitted to the ER due to THC accidental exposures in a year. Which still pale in comparison to accidental exposure to household cleaners etc.

THC has never been shown to stop breathing, or cause any other potentially fatal complications, absent other combining drugs or medications. It could have an additive effect which is dangerous, but on its own, has never been demonstrated to have these effects.

Thanks for the response. Intubation seems a pretty extreme response for a drug that has literally never killed anybody (or at least so goes the meme). I understand that CNS depression is not to be messed around with, but since nobody has actually stopped breathing due to too much weed, it strikes me as an aggressive

“but in high enough doses there are other ways to stop breathing.” 

Obviously kids need to be kept away from this. But what exactly would the ER do for a kid “ODing” on weed? Give her some water and tell them to lie down?

It’s good to read things!

I noticed that too. Got some edibles in CO the last time we went skiing, had one brownie bit and had to go in early because I got all worried about crashing and/or getting lost.

My dad (who just smoked ‘sticky’ for the first time since 1979) assures me that weed is now unrealistically stronger. He compared it to crushing ants with meteors. He was probably still high when he called me to shout about it.

Pot now in no way resembles the garbage pot you probably smoked two decades ago. Think Neanderthal versus human today.

if we can kick the repubs out of wisconsin, imagine the possibilities.

I was in Gouda yesterday. The city of Gouda. There’s a shop there that sells marijuana  cheese.

I don’t see the harm in doing DNA testing in both Johnson and Lee’s cases.

And Russia, don’t forget Russia! An official ban on executions doesn’t mean much if they just literally murder you instead.

You know what?

We stand proudly bloodthirsty in the company of the last countries that just love killing their citizens: China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. Go team!

I think it was Rebecca Solnit who suggested that an appropriate answer to this question would be “Because I’m really good at using contraceptives.”

I’m a gay man who coupled off when I was 23 (my husband was 22) in the 80s. I, I, EYE get asked all the time why I never had children. My now-husband and I actually talked about it, in the late 80s. We knew what we wanted to do, two girls, preferably twins, we had the names picked out and everything, I’d stay home and