Have I told you I loved you lately?
Have I told you I loved you lately?
GLAD TO HEAR IT. Not that you were treated rudely at Hamburger Mary's, but glad that they closed their DC outlet (Word was that they lost all their customers, but I can't prove it). What a bunch of assholes they had there.
I think everyone is accepting of straights' right to marry; the complaint from some is the groups of straight women (Many of whom I LOVE, I'm NOT a misogynist, etc.) that pour into gay bars is insensitive.
What BoxMeowBox said.
Serious question from a homo: Have you been treated respectfully back by the gays at the gay bars? I certainly hope so, but I've not been to a homo bar in eons (I'm an old). Personally, I love seeing ladies at the gay bars, as the few ladyfolk I've chatted up at them have been fun/funnier than all get out. We…
Great story!
Personally, I think vas deferens gets a short shrift, but until anyone bothers to notice it, you get #COTD in my book!
Online, Fox was confused by which rhetorical over-the-top-to-energize-the-base trope to use.
Was she having a contest in her head where she was trying to say "Obama" and "Obamacare" twice as many times as she did the last time she was interviewed? And in her next interview, she'll try for twice as many "Obama"s and "Obamacare"s as today's interview?
I never thought I'd see the day that I'd read an Ayn Rand sentence with which I agree.
There's an argument to be made that all pro choicers are pro lifers. When have we ever heard someone argue "Abort because it's GREAT!"? Never. I've yet to see a bumper sticker that says "MORE ABORTION NOW!" Abortion would presumably be a difficult decision for any woman, but a valuable option, a legal option, and…
Congratulations! Especially the raise part, where is sounds like even more than you thought you would have to fight for.
Thank you for that.
I don't even care about a star, but could you post a snapshot of it, or a least some of the text?
As a whole, generally, Gawkerers are better than this. The OP is actually better than this, and no, I'm not excusing this crap.
Not to get all technical, but wasn't a slave 3/5ths of a person? So a "traditional" slave family of, say, 4 (1 dad that worked, a stay-at-home mom, 1 little boy, and 1 little girl) would actually = 2.4 whole people. So there's that. Michelle (name misspelled on purpose to connote disrespect) is only, then, 2/5ths…
Oooohhhh! Thank you! Thank you for that! Because I was being literal, and not snarky at all, and you spelled it out for me slowly, and now that you've clarified macro-econ 101 and price-theory 101, I get it! Thanks! You covered all of econ!
Re: #5 above, I wonder why the writer wants to increase job-killing taxes on those who make over $106,000. If I make $120,000 a year, that's $14,000 left over for me with no FICA payments to create jobs. If you deduct for FICA on it, then I *won't* create those jobs.
And like she reads news out loud on camera.