
So it's ok to maybe put people at risk if it's for your boss, but it's not okay to do so for reasons that benefit YOUR life? I don't see your logic here, but okay.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? Utah told her they can't enforce a no-guns policy at her talk because of fucking gun laws, and you're saying it's her own fault she's facing death threats? What is even wrong with you.

It's not at all suspicious to you that the women are choosing to do so and are well within their rights not to? Why do you give a fuck what someone else calls herself?

Good thing it's not up to you. I'm sure she's positively crushed that some internet stranger thinks she's not a good enough feminist.

God, just shut up and don't talk to people on the subway. Seriously, you're the problem, the entire problem.

Human decency is leaving people alone when they are commuting and reading, since commuting and reading = LEAVE ME ALONE. It is baffling that you don't comprehend this.

No, you're not entitled to a reply. Me not wanting to talk to you on the subway, when I am reading and clearly sending the "do not talk to me on the subway" signal does not mean you get to butt in and be entitled to even one polite answer.

If she's reading, she doesn't want to be interrupted. Neither does he. You're being annoying. Just look at the cover.

i hope you get trolled to oblivion. that fetus is not your trophy kid. get the fuck out of here.

Wow, you're unpleasant.

I don't want to sound rude, but catcallers don't give a fuck what you're wearing or what face you're making.

Even worse? At least she has a paper trail.

Versus meeting strangers in bars, in the grocery store, at the library, at the mall, at dinner, at work, oh my god shut up

That's a Margaret Atwood quote, not Louis CK.

And it only took you how many years to realize this? Look, I get that you're trying, but if you're just now realizing that men treat women like absolute garbage, you haven't been paying attention.

I'm not, but thats because I know people will yell bullshit no matter what a woman is wearing or what she looks like. I'll be damned if I let that dictate how I live MY life.

Not all men are assholes, no, but most assholes are men. DEAL WITH IT

This is all well and fine, but she's not suing for malpractice. She's suing for emotional distress.

She's not. She's suing for emotional distress. Not malpractice, not money to move, but because she's SAD SHE HAS A BLACK BABY. That's why it's bullshit.

Sounds more like a problem with the owner than the dog. Here's a tip: Stop leaving shit around for your dog to eat. They are dogs, they will eat ANYTHING.