Yeah sure I get it but “Aerith” will alwayth thound like thomething you thay with a lithp.
Yeah sure I get it but “Aerith” will alwayth thound like thomething you thay with a lithp.
“Spoiler” culture is silly. The trailer was cool. Can’t wait to play but it looks like Amazon won’t be able to ship it to me until some indefinite time after release.
If you had kept reading you would have realized that it was clearly a joke and not an actual spoiler.
You act like it’s some giant secret that they’re a business that profits from selling products.
There’s always one of these...
This entire sentence is pretty unnecessary in the article:
This is a pretty hot take. How have they “dropped the ball?” Both games will be available for digital purchase. Plenty of people have likely pre-ordered physical copies. GameStop will still be open the next day. Nintendo and Bethesda have nothing to do with this story.
I think that’s a very entitled thing to say. While it would have been nice considering I’ve been stuck at home I can’t expect them to just change their plans and cater to my needs.
Did you play XV? Because it really doesn’t feel anything like XV’s combat.
I find this whole “Pay $60 for 1/20 of the game is dumb” argument to be ridiculously stupid. You do realize that you’re paying not for the story but the new game in its entirety right? If you just want the story, I have news for you, just don’t buy it and watch a LetsPlay. You think Square can just crap out games of…
Was this funnier in your head?
It doesn’t seem sudden to me. It seems more like they’re laying the foundation for a smooth, planned transition.
I’m assuming you’re not a Gen X-er. B/c yes, the greatest products of Western culture are the things Gen X enjoyed when we were kids.
Seriously? Were you the same person who’d snicker whenever you met someone with the last name Wang? You know who didn’t immediately think of weed when they read the word “high”? Everyone else.
Counterpoint: some of us like TV shows that require attention.
sir this is a Wendy’s
You’re kidding, right? Stewart looks like a healthy mid-70s, but he definitely looks... old.
That is a shitty attitude.
That date stamp on the bottom corner is clearly from 1993, Sherlock.