
“It’s dumb that they just brought back Palps after not mentioning him in either of the previous movies. Like we’re supposed to believe that he was like just off-screen the entire time.

iron man is your version of serious? what?

“Original Screenplay”

Black Panther was a February release.

I simply used Watchmen because for me personally, the writing didn’t work at all. I’m not shitting on it to boost BCS so much as pointing out that in my opinion BCS has better writing than much higher profile shows. I chose Watchmen partially because I think it’s hugely flashy where BCS is hugely understated and yet

oh give it a rest. it’s a game, not real life

Not really a reach when the comment states exactly that she won’t play a game because the game has no female chars, good try though!

Damn I couldn’t have worded it any better than this.

I am the same way, for years I’ve wanted to play tomb raider but can’t because I can’t play as a dude.

So, you don’t play anything that doesn’t have female playable characters?

Remember when Clark Griswold tried that?

Did everyone complain about the timeline jumps in season one of Westworld? I don’t remember that happening and I suspect it’s because of the premise.

Agree agree agree - I decided to like Rise of Skywalker because I realized I prefer liking things over trying to out-snark my fellow “fans”.

FF7: Remake is a series, and this is the first game of the series, yes.

Plot holes were so big they overshadowed the performances.

I seriously don't know why people like Control that much. 

You know it’s still 2019, right?

And then you have the balls to dismiss my previous comment? What exactly is your problem?

I dunno. Kinda seems like you’re awful people.

Well then, it’s a good thing that the player character in BioShock 2 is neither dumb nor slow