
If those are your main criticisms of the film, they’re fairly weak. It sounds like you’re judging the movie for not being what you expected, rather than anything wrong with the movie itself. For example, how is the Joker not being a “tortured genius” a criticism of the film? It certainly seems like you’re blaming the

I think it’s just a time period that’s been explored less (at least in relatively recent times), rather than any larger reasons.

It’s not up to you to decide what is offensive to other people.

If each episode is expaned to a fully fleshed 60/60+ ish hour RPG then I am fine with the way they are doing it especially with the level of polish going into the game so far.

The article went out of its way to avoid spoilers, and here you go.

Finally someone says something intelligent about The Last Jedi.

Sure thing, edgelord.

You’re going to get disingenuous answers from too-cool-for-school edgelords about that list, just so you’re aware.


OK edgelord, we got it.

JJ is a good director, anyone that says otherwise is a sheltered nerd that hates the fact that JJ didn't adopt their personal fan-fiction.

Thank you for doing all the work i was tempted to do when i read this comment!

Nothing? Nada? You’ve literally never seen anything that he wrote, produced or directed that you thought was good?

I’m sure he, and the $250M deal he just signed, is really disappointed to learn you feel that way.

Couldn’t you have taken 5 min to read the article before posting the exact same message? Honestly a little confused by this behavior.

Lol you can't say that without reading it first. 

Actually, we got, “a beautiful recreation of a Gameboy classic” + Zelda Rearranger. I can’t wait!

It never looked much like any close to a Zelda maker, so no one should be shocked to hear it doesn’t live up to that idea. The fact that things are locked inside doesn’t make it completely worthless, but I can see the tedium,unless the point is to do these much later in the game, and not after completing each dungeon

Not “every,” given that he struggled as well.

becuase it’s more granular and precise in its criticism rather than ideological and vague?