
Wow... that looks fantastic! if only Toyota/Subaru would take a look at this picture...

Dammit.. that looks amazing. I just wish it wasn't too late to get back into that game. Sadly I wasn't very impressed when it first came out so I ended up trading it in. And I thoroughly refuse to buy anything through that stupid Origin bullshit. Sigh....

I read (or was told) somewhere that while this game is a spinoff of the Metal Gear Solid series, it isn't supposed to be canon. Perhaps someone could clarify that?

I open this comment with a disclaimer: Correlation does not imply causation. Furthermore, this is merely my and only my opinion on the matter, feel free to politely disagree.

I open this comment with a disclaimer: Correlation does not imply causation. Furthermore, this is merely my and only my opinion on the matter, feel free to politely disagree.

How about a QOTD about the best ones, you know, so I have a list of candidate states to move to.

Because she HAS to be related to Florida somehow, I just know it.

Now playing

Matt's laughter reminded me of this. My day has been made. Thanks.

I'm going full mexican again. The MXT, a mexican built, turbo-duratec powered, elise like goodness. What's not to like?

Something simple, but interesting.

-1 for portrait video and stupid laughs.

Now playing

Well, since my first choice (LFA) was already mentioned up there, I'm going to go with my second choice. Any properly tuned LSx engine, especially with exhaust dumps open (0:15).

This. Paragon Shepard is much better with Meer. Renegade Shepard is better with Hale. And since I can't quite bring myself to be a complete jerk to everyone in the galaxy, Meer seems like the best option for my style of play.

But.... Mexican made cars are pretty damn good..

''Well, maybe I'd throw a Craigslist Sparkomatic radio in there.''

I suppose you're right. In all fairness, I stopped watching at season 4.

Problem is you need to be pretty smart to get the jokes. So uh... joke's on you?

The Shagohod. Because ICBM launching, screw driven, rocket propelled tank.

wow! that was a very awesome commercial.

It has more than enough horsepower for any application. In fact, the 1.8 is way overpowered. It's also really quiet on the highway, almost on par with a Crown Vic.