
Great article! very informative. And you're right, now I watch the videos and it all makes a little more sense. :D

Amazing story! Thanks for sharing.

Never meant as a performance vehicle per se (unless you count the Marauder), this is the closest thing you can have to a couch on wheels. Magnificent long distance cruiser, super comfortable, and RWD (because racecar-like). Hell, it was my very first car (and as such I can also attest to the amazing back seat). You

You must be new here. Basically a series of reviews based around the capability to haul your kids in it.

Oooh! I see, very cool. Give your friend Devin props, and ask him where I can buy his music. :D

Does anybody know what song is playing in the background? sounds like the XX but I'm not sure..

And so should this one.

This one should've made it.

And that ladies and gentlemen is why I'm holding off on buying new tires for the miata.

it should buff out pretty well. This car has so much potential to look awesome.

This is what it's gonna look like when I'm done with it. :D

Hey, if there's no plastic cover bullshit, it's usually good enough to show. Unless you're hiding like an LS3 there or something, in which case... make sure you tag it as NSFW.

Then we're at opposite sides of the spectrum. I haven't driven a 1.8 yet. People around the forums say the 1.6 is more snappy and more rev happy, but sometimes (only sometimes) it feels a little underpowered. That's why I'm curious to know if the 1.8 feels even a little faster. Still, good job on keeping your Miata in

Wow!! Your miata is impeccable! Beautiful inside and out. I'm sort of really jealous. Mine has its paint all faded and the seats are torn.. But it's still a damn fun little machine alright! Have you ever driven a 1.6? if so, how does it compare?

If possible in red. :D

Or better yet, a brand new CRX.

An original, completely stock, first gen MR2. I'd give my current daily driver AND my weekend toy for one of those. :D

>Cats are real animals that you can look at and everybody believes in them and they can be cute.

people who drive 5 under the limit on the fucking left lane. All the damn time! EVERYWHERE! ''pass them on the right'' I hear you say? Well no, because on the right lane there's yet another fucking imbecile going the same damn speed.

uh, I don't know man, I've been playing that these past few days and actually I really like it. I'd even go as far as to say it's one of the highlights of my year. And if you play your cards right, the whole ''hiding in plain sight'' part is actually very much there. Care to elaborate a little bit on why the