
Imagine how a doctor who is tech savvy and also a car guy must feel.. Luckily my knowledge of cars is not something most people are aware of, other than my father, who taught me most of what I know about cars to begin with.

Ditto for us computer techs. I could very well fill in the blanks perfectly...

Hey, at least she went for ice cream and not a homeless man's face.

I better start saving now. This sounds like an awesome year to take off work and daily life.

The thing is, none of the vehicles you posted has gone past the dreaded 88k miles. Just you wait and see. Not the TDI though, those things are like tanks.

regular maintenance may be easy, but god forbid you ever forget to do one and something breaks.. it all just goes downhill from there.

Hahahaha that commercial totally made my day! Also, I've always wanted a Tsuru.. Good thing they're still produced, and pretty much unchanged since 1992. I'll have one someday :D

From the guidelines in your link: Not allowed: ''Backing out of the transaction because buyers didn't place a high enough bid and the seller didn't add a reserve price''

That is the miata's main weakness. High cruising RPMs, pretty much. But like Watson said, maybe the 6speed NC solves that problem.

Obligatory. Especially the 1.6

oh wow!! that is a beautiful car! front shot?

wasn't this (to a lesser extent) used in the SVT Raptor? I remember reading something about that.

And another angle. Can't get enough of this.

This. I'm in love with simplicity.

Ditto!! try to make it a miata, so we can also form a proper kansas miata club.

Okay, can we see your suggestions, smart guy? Enlighten us please.

This article is a big pile of shenanigans. Everyone knows that Russians have dashcams in their cars only for the internet's collective amusement.

I support this motion.

Exactly what I was thinking. Sadly back in mexico we didn't have dashcams. I don't know nowadays though.