
''Instead, why not get popular and well respected by the community for writing good stories?''

well yeah, but I was talking more about gaming specific applications, say like using the dedicated card for graphics processing while at the same time using the integrated card for physX and the processor for the rest of the (mind the redundancy) processing. I don't know if it has been done before, but it'd be pretty

Just a quick thought: Any respectable gamer who's gonna have one of the new Ivy Bridge processors is most definitely gonna get a fancy graphics card too, so if the dedicated card is gonna provide graphics processing, is there a way to not waste the potential of the integrated HD2500/4000, say, like using it for PhysX?

Now all they need is to hire DICE for their sound effects. Bad Company 2 and battlefield 3 had some of the best weapon sound effects out there.

I just came here to post that I fully support Grooveshark, and that I pretty much agree with all of the points he's making. Great article.

they even made more than one model..

the mexican drug cartel tank/pickup vehicle of choice.

you sure about that? ;)

yup, and I don't exactly see that as a disadvantage at all.

as more than a couple people have already said, the answer is always Miata.

You beat me to this post. Totally mind blowing!

cute is an understatement! She's the kind of lady I'd like to have in my passenger seat.

Good evening, my name is Hal and I'm addicted to playing russian roulette.

Amen to that. And I long to see that day come..

Now playing

hah, good try girl, but the jackass guys did it first.

Now playing

Not bollywood, but this definitely makes it in my ''awesomest car chases'' book.

That sound is godlike! Also, I'm a little confused, forgive the ignorant question, but what does it mean when the ''dumps open''? does he mean the blow-off valves?

aaah.. it's beautiful! Both of them are. Also, thanks for the quick reply.

pardon my question, but what's the red car in the background?

Dear 1991 Protege: