That would have to be a big lottery jackpot to be able to buy all THAT cheese.
That would have to be a big lottery jackpot to be able to buy all THAT cheese.
@RubiksCube: I that they liked their cousins.
YEAH! A post works for me! But the video should not start automatically. That should be law for all web sites. You should NEVER NEVER automatically start audio or video just for opening the page. I for one will stop come if they all start auto.
Most chinese stuff is crap... but if this was as good as an American Jeep or better.... and they could import these and sell them for not much more than the 12-14K they get for them in china... they could really clean up.
I can't feast my ears because another video post isn't working for me.
Yeah I gotta agree. I don't want one, but I can imagine that there are only 321 people that wanted one.
You are correct. Some states value freedom and little things like the Constitution and The Bill Of Rights.
Good idea, bad execution.
I don't see the radio buttons for the poll. But I think that is is too expensive. And an oddball at that. Reliability?
But if you are going to make it a low res screen it might as well be the most unresponsive resistive screen in the world right? I think that the only reason that Best Buy sells this turd it to make the Galaxy seem like a good deal at $500. My wife loves her Galaxy but it was overpriced. This turd is obscene at…
I didn't read the article, but DAMN that girl in the picture is HOT!
I already put snow tires on my Miata, but if we get as much snow as they say I might not bother to dig it out.
Looks like the lack of funds have kept the newness to a minimum.
I like pickups, but I have gotta say that they have some of the worst drivers. They feel like they are going to do better in most any accident, so they drive rudely.
I am curious about that bed extension now. It's ugly but it looks very functional. I do like the colors.
@kreimerd: Better than me, I couldn't afford the damn thing in the first place.