
Looks like too much of a hack-job at this price. You might not be able to duplicate this car at this price.... but if you were going to duplicate this car and put this much money into it you should make it a little nicer.

This didn't explain why the number form Stalingrad was off.

$500k is always my budget for buying replicas.

We keep hearing about all of the wonderful cheap reliable options we will soon have that are unavailable from current manufacturers. Funny how these crappy shitboxes from india and china keep getting delayed. If these jackasses can't be trusted to do such simple things as not putting poison in toothpaste, children's

Unless it is nekid chicks, I usually don't go for art but this is really cool.

@ether3a1: Might be hard to spot him, I'm sure he blends in the crowd. I know when I visited Austin there were plenty of people that made me want to run away.

Is that Lionel Richie??? How can they call it "big star...", is this 1982???

@Alfisted: Yes, but for the patient and persistent....

I believe that many-a Garage of Horror start out with "Many many years ago, I purchased an Alfa Romeo"

Seems like being a current F1 driver might have scheduling difficulties trying to be a part of a tv series.

I don't care what I am driving, or what is in front of me, if they are doing that shit I do anything I can to go around or take another route.

I rode more miles in the back of something like this than in a passenger car as a kid. At least there was a tarp for rain/snow.

Pretty damn sad. If people did a little parenting they wouldn't have to worry about sh!t like this. If your daughter is a skank, it probably has something to do with her parents.

the eBay listing's phone number is for the wife of Road & Track's Peter Egan....

@fashraf: [Q] In the end of the day, its apple. people trust the company more than they should. when steve jobs says tthat its more durable, everyone will believe him. [/Q]

@sti25impreza: and you deserve to have such devices.

@Matt da brat on da wheels of steel: Made of glass, or titanium, if it costs hundreds of dollars and they can't keep from dropping it maybe they are better off with:

I'm no Apple fan-boy, and I don't like the iPhone, but what the hell do you expect if you drop your expensive fragile sensitive electronic device?