
Didn't they stop selling these because no one was buying them... because they were about as reliable as a yugo?

@amazingmao: Yeah, I was thinking of the great Santini. He flew his jet out over the ocean to his certain death, instead of trying to land it and save his life because he didn't want to take a chance and crash into houses.

So they fly off away from the hive when the know the end is near instead of going back to die in comfort and infect the hive. Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

@Drachen: Only cause he couldn't actually put that power to the ground. With stockish size tires, it is real easy to put unusable power in a Miata.

I personally hope that they never make a Verizon iphone. All those fanbboys will rush from AT&T and their spotty reception and they could overload Verizon's network.

@vinylrake:Yes music has always been purchased by the young, that is not my point. My point is that music sales haven't always had to compete with so many other entertainment options.

Seriously all this for a Droid? The owner obviously wasn't having the reception problems that I was having or he would have paid someone to steal it.

I wonder if she will ever go through puberty, cause that 8 year old boys body does nothing for me.

@cody2000: Actually it has more to do with the fact that most music is purchased by younger people with limited funds and the fact that there is so much more product vying for their entertainment dollars, and less to do with quality or piracy. But yes, Kiss sucks and always have. I always lumped them in with the

@PHIL: OK, kidding or not it was funny.

The answer to everything:

Did track suit guy break the Merc's rear window with his fist?

@jb.morgado: The fact that you can't see a difference between regular adult porn and child porn says that you are a sick individual. You should seek help from the police.

This teeny tiny little punk was afraid that the street cred he was gaining from being inside wasn't losing his life. Asking for ad seg ruins the cred you build up.... so get an iPod and you are safe is sol.

I wonder if she got to shoot at all those chickens swimming around the sea.

Even if that buffs out, you'll never get the smell of charred old dude out of the seats.

OH! PLEASE give it to me. I could drive all around and spell "FUCK THE FBI" over and over again.

The screen looks too small for the physical size of the phone.

Now playing

V12 Miata. Sure there are more efficient power upgrades, but it looks cool and sounds nice.