
I got in an accident last year, the car was totaled. My wife wasn't hurt at all, the only injuries I suffered were from the airbag (and I don't even site close to the airbag). I chalked it up to old airbag tech and just removed the airbag in the next one.

So we have OSHA not just to stop employers from putting workers in bad situations, but also to stop stupid people from doing stupid things at work.


Complicate, then add heavy?

Is this the new Batmobile?

Before you get to the Droid X there should be a box that asks if you can stand those stupid physical home buttons. I guess if those are a deal breaker you have to wait for one of the phones coming around x-mas?

GLORIOUS! If they were chaffed I would make them feel better.

It lovely that idiot judges get away with crap like this for so long.

Because most hoods hide ugly small boring engines.

yeah, its uglier than the regular version.

How many will quietly get their jobs back with some union pressure? My dad has told me all kinds of stories much worse than this where guys get fired, and then get their jobs back with back pay. It screws them on the taxes the way they get it back at one time, but they get a free vacation.

Seriously, have they made more special edition Gallardo's and Murciélago's then regular models???

@BMWforever: Don't worry, your English is better than my "any other language".... and your English is probably as good as my English most days.

So then this is kinda like an acoustic bar code scanner.

State Farm is one of the worst, they screwed me over too. People should think about more than monthly payments when they compare insurance companies.

Any huge spoiler on the rear end of a FWD car.

In other news, Yahoo has a corporate hunting club.

Most exclusive ever? How many of these did they make?

Shit like this is a constant. The plant I worked at had an injury, and the guy lost a couple of fingers when he was fixing a machine. Three guys operated the line and we took a break while the millwright was fixing the machine that broke down. Me and one of the other ops took a break, the third guy went and smoked a

@baldbeaver: I agree. Whenever anyone younger than me disrespects me I shoot them. The problem is when I ocasionally meet someone older than me.