
This article is a classical example of absurdity.
Brazilian people love soccer more than religion.To them soccer is a religion. It is not a “black man” liking and being good at sports. It is a Brazilian who loves his country and his religion ( soccer ).

I think his outfit is swanky af and if I played Lucio regularly I would purchase it.

Yes, he is a jerk. Yes, she is a crappy human.

*I really do hate it when people text in the movie theater though.

Nintendo, please just bite the bullet and stop making hardware.

Yes, I the tenor of this article is terrible but fits with a certain strain of thought that pervades much of the Gawker universe. It is very counterproductive. I could see if the problem for the author was that the music wasn’t good. I don’t know. I didn’t see La La Land (and never intended to either) but it seems

I would say that it doesn’t mean that he is guilty either. The interesting thing in this instance is that one of the women had worked with Affleck for years and not had issues with him until this movie, where the line between real and fake were blurred and where the whole point of the whole movie was to be fucking

The level of unthinking schadenfreude in this post and in the comments is frankly making me uncomfortable.

Yes that’s a Dpad, because eventhough it looks like 4 separate buttons, it’s actually one piece of plastic same as the classic nintendo Dpad. when you push one side the whole thing rocks.

Being backwards compatible and moving forward are by no means mutually exclusive.

The bundled controller(s) don’t even have a D-pad...

I guess it’s good to be confidant, but it seems unsporting to refer to your oponents as “victims”.

Authorities don’t dismantle and take a way a plane without proper paperwork.

You’re right, but mostly wrong.

Nah, i live in a house in a city where neighbors can do as they please. If I don’t like what’s in their driveway or on their lawn, that’s my problem. Because we’re all adults.

Then perhaps the rules are wrong? (Morally - not legally)

I can’t believe you have nothing better to do than tally the errors in some random internet writers work.

You guys don’t cover overwatch enough.