
Just kind of annoying... and not particularly interesting.

I do not understand the Thorgy appeal.

Thorgy is... not my favorite queen.

It’s totally possible to be both (I was, a long time ago) but it’s impossible to be a womanizer and a feminist, which is really the grosser accusation here.

Did you actually read her letter? She’s not saying her husband cheated. She’s saying that he gaslighted her for 20 years while he was a womanizer. There’s a big difference between committing infidelity and doing that. She says that she’s been diagnosed with complex PTSD since piecing together the truth.

Is cheating wrong and douchey? Yes. Does it mean he’s not feminist? Come on, is that even a serious question?

I forgive her because she lived through sixteen years of her husband being lauded as a feminist god friend and champion paragon on virtue while he was actually screwing around on her. I would be pretty pissed off too.

Yeah? Feminists blame the beautiful, needy, aggressive young women for their affairs?

So you jumped ship the day that Hearthstone came out? With cards like Bane of Doom and Mindgames?

as I understand it, the statue was part of a public building or park, meaning it was publicly owned, and members of the public decided they didn’t want it there anymore. It wasn’t private property.


Morgana: “You’re useless, Ryuji.” “At least you’re not as useless as Ryuji”

I don’t really feel bad for Morgana since he had spent the entire game berating Ryuji and calling him useless whenever he missed an attack. I still recognize Ryuji was being a jerk, but Morgana kinda deserved it.

I thought it was a kind of taco.

China is in a weird situation.

The first time a woman told me that I should accept Jesus as my lord and saviour otherwise I would turn into a lesbian I thought she was joking, but no, she wasn’t.

Rule 34 is universal my friend.

I’d just like to note - because this story is important and some commenters seem confused - that it’s beyond appalling to compare white communities losing their accents because of globalization to the lingering effects of systematic cultural genocide that has marginalized and disempowered native communities for

That’s the impression that i get too.

HEY! ska music is good. Its upbeat and happy and takes your mind off your troubles dammit.