
I haven’t watched his videos in a while, are they still just him saying “it was bad” without any interesting criticism, and then occasionally there’s an aside about how many women he’s murdered?

But to what end? Yeah you can run around on the world map, but ultimately you’re just moving from point A to point B. Aside from XII, there's usually very little to find on the world maps. What's the point of exploring if there's nothing to find?

I think that’s by design though. You can’t go back because the entire military is chasing you and it would make no sense if you could just go back the way you came. The gameplay is in service to the story. As to your other points having towns you can run around in world design not game design and doesn’t make a game

The characters in 13 spend most of the game on the run from the military, which results in a constant sense of forward momentum. This means there's no side quests and very little time spent in towns, but that doesn't really make the game any more or less linear. Every Final Fantasy is linear, you just notice it more

Oh right, I forgot about that. But yeah, given they were a secret Ollie could still be the first modern, public hero.

Nobody who has suffered under Capitalism, or you know, has read a history book, thinks Capitalism is a good thing. It’s just old burnt out yuppies, dumb Boomers who think they’re oppressed, and actual violent revolutionaries who think Capitalism works. Ask the ghosts of 100 million people who died under its heel in

I still really hate that they put Batwoman on Earth-1. I feel like Batman being real and active for 20 years really undercuts Ollie's position as the first hero of the Arrowverse. They really should have put her on Supergirl's Earth.

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I loved Trampled by Turtles’s  cover of Rebellion (Lies)

I really wish they would have had Grant Morrison on at some point to speak unintelligible Glaswegian as McCulloch

Arrow has some of the best fight choreography on TV, and I hope the other Arrowverse shows inherit their fight team (although they’ll probably just go to Green Arrow and the Canaries).

On the topic of horror movies, this list is a victory for the people who loved It Follows and hated The Babadook over the people who loved The Babadook and hated It Follows.It is really weird that it’s not on this list though. The greater horror movie oversight in my mind though is the lack of Midsommar, which was my

The issue episodes have got to go. Last year’s feminism/me too episode was pretty bad and accidently highlighted that only a quarter of the main cast is women.

I think Cornelius was the worst example of this. In the later comics it felt like Onstad was just running his dialogue through an auto-thesaurus. 

The very idea that 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, or the Good Place after better sitcoms then Community sickens me

That eventually got resolved. The final hiatus came just as Ray found the perfect strain of weed for Roast Beef, which is clearly a much bigger cliffhanger

I think your canteen also converts water into Monster, so the people of the future seem pretty into it as a whole

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I don't know, losing your thumbs is really going to limit your murder options
