
I have to assume they're jettisoning all the other future characters though, just based on what we've heard about it.

It’s real weird that they set things up for an Arrow Beyond type of deal, creating a setting and supporting cast for a show that would follow on from the flash forwards, and then were like “what if instead not that?”

The ghosts follow the same rules as in Murder House, so it doesn't seem that fuzzy to me.

I think he would have worked really well here as an ongoing villain. Alice is an agent of chaos and Hush is a planner, giving Kate two different kinds of threats to deal with.

11 year old me and my friends had all kinds of rituals and observances that needed to be completed before and during stat rolls, so maybe you should have done that. (And then if you didn’t like the results, oops I accidently ate the sheet)

I have similar childhood memories about the DuckTales theme, but for me it was "we'll solve a mystery / and we like history"

But you accept those rolls, and play within the confines they create. Lawful.

I guess that depends on whether or not the lake is officially a part of the campgrounds or not. Ghosts have to obey property lines and zoning laws

Does Brooke want Antichrists? Because that’s how you get Antichrists.

Movies are just stories told with pictures and words at the same time, but I probably wouldn’t want to watch a movie that suddenly became an audio drama

Nobody being a superhero anymore is actually one of my biggest issues with the last season of Legends (the other being: stop adding so many new characters!). Arrow being ground level means it works just as well with superheroes as without, but Legends really needs them.

Killing Sara was maybe the biggest mistake they ever. She was one of the best characters, and it felt like she died for the sake of Olicity which made it really sting. The other reason of course was to make Laurel the Black Canary, which (hot take alert) I thought was one of the better parts of season 3 as she fought

Prose in comics represents a failure to work within the medium and so no, prose has no place within comics.

The Super Max stuff worked astoundingly well, but so did the stuff going on outside. They did half a season with no superheroes, and somehow it was the best the show had been in years.

More cynically, it really felt that with the start of the Arrowverse they shifted all of their focus onto Flash, leaving Arrow to kind of collapse. Arrow’s best season was followed by its worst and Flash’s best, and it never quite recovered. Of course, then Flash followed its best season with a terrible second, so who

I’m super down for a cavalcade of ridiculous twists, so by that metric this was a great episode. And hey who doesn’t like seeing a serial killer get resurrected by Satan?

Some of the character designs in the Arkham games address truly horrible, like weird shaved head Tim Drake

Some of the alternate versions in the first one are a bit wonky, like Harvey Dent's goons having a Two Face insignia even if his face doesn't get messed up, but I appreciate that they were willing to really do their own thing with the mythos.

They are not.

This list should really include Telltale Batman 2, pretty much the only thing in a decade to make the Joke an interesting character. What more, it makes him nuanced and sympathetic. He thinks that Bruce Wayne is his friend, which Batman exploits to go undercover in Harley Quinn’s gang, The Departed style. Joker has no