
True, but it's only okay when it's my name.

My parents are a delight, thank you very much.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that guy. Still not fantastic though.

I’m named after Holden Caulfield, and I guess the best Holden I’ve seen in pop culture is that guy from Cabin in the Woods, which still isn’t great.

Oh yeah, it’s a terrible ending.

Knives has more development because the original ending was for Scott and Knives to get back together. As a result, Ramona got sidelined, and was basically just a manic pixie dream girl.

The way I saw the movie though was that Ramona was supposed to be a unattainable, but by fighting for her Scott could work through his shit. So he could date a minor. Either way, weird choice on Wright’s part. 

It fucking sucks that it’s impossible to get it now, because it was great.

I thought it should have been two movies, while also knowing that would mean they would almost certainly never make the second movie.

The OST for this movie is excellent.

The changes made to Hit Girl and Big Daddy really mess up the movie, especially in regards to violence being fucking awful too. By making Big Daddy’s backstory real they attempt to legitimize his decision to turn his 12 year old child into a murderer, and by removing the bit at the end where Hit Girl cries about her

I think one of the problems this movie has is in it’s depiction of Ramona. She’s supposed to be as careless and shitty as Scott, but she just isn’t. One of the great things about the end of the comic is that they both grow and are willing to try having a more adult relationship. The end of the movie, due to coming out

I don’t know, that list just cements Toronto’s superiority in this category. But then, I spent the early-to-mid ‘00s listening to a lot of Canadian indie, and no American indie so that was going to be the case regardless.

Yes, yes it is.

Godzilla fighting a couple of Cloverfields was a big part of why I hated the 2014 Godzilla. The other reason was that it was boring as shit.

Well sure, but it seemed like he wanted to make them almost too dumb to function. He’d be babysitter not overlord.

I’m honestly still not entirely sure what Thinker’s plan was.

Unless he and Jax can form Firestorm.

Barry and Felicity makes more sense than Oliver and Felicity ever did.

Gene doesn’t really have any other friends though. He’s usually an accessory to Louise and her friends/classmates, or to Tina and her friends/classmates.