
I don’t care for Diaz, but man can that guy growl-whisper-mumble. Very intimidating. 

Y’know, if the Time Bureau ever shut down the Legends they would just steal the Waverider and who would be able to stop them?

Arrow has better fight choreography than any other show that doesn’t have HBO money (and probably better than some of those).

Hey, sometimes people do things for more than one reason.

Let’s not be hasty now, Matt Smith’s final season didn’t have a single good episode in it, although I guess “Cold War” and“Hide” were okay.

I mean, King James was banging dudes, and he only commissioned the King James Bible to distract the church.

Almost every show has a ratings drop after the premiere though. I have seen the rumours that Chibnall may be quitting, and that Whitaker may be quitting, but you get those exact same rumours every single year.

I don’t think they forgot Diaz getting super strength, given he just got it like 2 weeks ago or something, Diaz is probably just holding back until the part of his plan that requires him too have super strength.

Yeah, I’m not even really complaining and the world of Arrow fits pretty well into whatever genre they’re doing now. It’s definitely made the show feel new.

This Nora and Nora Darhk I know, but I can’t think who the other two are

It’s reminding me a lot of when Earth 1 Laurel started to become Black Canary  and everybody was being a dick to her. All the characters were super unlikable that season, but I ended up really liking Laurel and Thea.

Sorry, but it clearly presented an exploitative and dehumanizing system, try again.

Arrow talk: remember when this show used to be a superhero show? I’m not really complaining though, this is the best it’s been since season 2. They haven’t gone back to Diaz maybe having enhanced strength yet, so I’m going to assume he ends up in prison with Ollie before Ollie gets released. And speaking of prison,

Most (all) Gayle episodes are skipable for me. Gayle ruins every episode she’s in.

That is a very good point, but the technology itself was actually a murderer which only confuses things further.

Is it that their satisfied with their jobs, or is it that they’re just happy to part of the very small number of people who have a job? We don’t really get a sense of what the economic climate is on the planet, but it can’t be that great if companies only use humans for 10% of their jobs.

It started well enough, with the system, and The System, consistently shown in a negative light, but then it all falls apart at the end.

The idea that Stan Lee deserves any credit for inspiring the New Gods is laughable to say the least.

This is the first episode of the season that really felt like an episode of Doctor Who to me, and I enjoyed it a lot. But then they completely fucked it up with their nonsensical ending. Worker’s rights are good (okay, off to a good start) but the systems which exploit them are also good (wait, what?). It just doesn’t

Rorschach doesn’t kill innocents, but that’s a pretty low bar for not being a horrible human being. That being said though, he was right. Veidt was an even worse monster and the chance to build a utopia wasn’t worth all the deaths he caused.