I was not prepared for blonde Black Widow.
I was not prepared for blonde Black Widow.
Stein! No! It should have been Nate, Amaya, and Zari!
Counterpoint: Wells Thawne is awesome.
Kinja is bad. The Kinjamprove extension helps a lot though
I just wish she’d get a plot line occasionally. I like Legends, but it has a bad habit of focusing on its least interesting characters *cough*Nate and Amaya*cough*
Arrow has had a few fights that qualify. The recent limo fight jumps to mind.
At least with Disqus it would show people if you upvoted yourself,
He’s hot and he’ll be playing one of the hottest X-Men, so yes I think people will be interested in seeing it.
Just about every line in this episode was comic gold. This show always does so well when it’s just the Belchers and Teddy saying funny stuff.
Yeah, I’m surprised to find that I’ve become a big fan of Wild Dog.
Yeah, that one actually looks decent.
He’s not supposed to talk about the ending of the episode he’s reviewing? They makes no sense dude.
Wouldn’t Terri know that her sergeant is also named Terry? And that he talks about himself in the third person?
I think Twisty showed up in Ozzy’s room during one of the clown attacks, but that I guess that wasn’t necessarily a ghost.
Oh come on, that is a huge spoiler to put in the headline.
I only know Alexstraza from Hearthstone, is her having a human form a thing, or is it new for HotS?
I don’t know, that Muppets article said Muppet Treasure Island was the worst. That really hurts.
Sorry, but Muppet Treasure Island and Muppet Christmas Carol are the two best Muppet movies. This is fact.
I’ve heard all the singles from the new Arcade Fire, which it just occurred to me I don’t even know the name of, but never more than once. And none of them had any impact
I only listened to Humanz twice. It was fine, but honestly I don’t really care for the post-Demon Days albums. I want to hear 2D, not a bunch of guest vocalists.