Related: I keep forgetting that The Arcade Fire released a new album this year as it made basically no impact. I haven’t even listened to it yet, and I’m a pretty big Arcade Fire fan.
Related: I keep forgetting that The Arcade Fire released a new album this year as it made basically no impact. I haven’t even listened to it yet, and I’m a pretty big Arcade Fire fan.
No, I meant that as a compliment.
Maybe instead of blowing his kid’s college fund on back alley super soldier serum, John could talk to his wife and get some free, government black ops super soldier serum?
Oh, and Urban Legend wasn’t meta, it was themed. Most slashers have some kind of theme (holidays, mines, whatever) and this one had an urban legends theme.
My friends and I would load up every toilet stall in Goldeneye with remote detonation bombs, and then blow ourselves up. Not sure what the appeal was there.
I thought it was decent. It had some good kills if nothing else.
Urban Legend has everything I want in a slasher: teens getting killed in inventive ways. My girlfriend and I are working our way through a 130-item slasher movie list (in chronological order), and we both though Urban Legend was one of the stand outs.
Scream is a bad movie. But Urban Legend is a good movie. And I do just want to see young people get killed.
I think this episode hit new highs for incredible AHS nonsense.
I liked all the Child’s Plays (with 2 bring my favourite), but Bride of Chucky was terrible. I haven’t seen the other Chuckies though, but they are on my list.
If Kojima was a genius he wouldn’t have fired David Hayter.
Of course they’re sexist.
Netflix original programming: paid for by the Trolley Problem lobby.
It’s a lot of fun.
I just rewatched it the other night, and it’s fine. Better than 2 and $, but worse than 3 and of course the original.
We didn’t need a Hannibal origin story, but young, samurai Hannibal killing Nazis is actually pretty great.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is garbage. Between trying and failing to be funny, and almost exact recreations of scenes from the first movie is just a mess. The only highlights are Dennis Hopper dual-wielding chainsaws (which is the right level of ridiculousness) and the Breakfast Club parody movie poster.
Dredd is basically the perfect action movie.
The Raid is undeniably a great movie, but better than Dredd? Not a chance.
I found the Raid 2 to be so boring. Too much plot, not enough action.