When I was four I dressed up as Henry V, specifically the Kenneth Branagh version. I could even recite bits of the St Crispin’s Day Speech.
When I was four I dressed up as Henry V, specifically the Kenneth Branagh version. I could even recite bits of the St Crispin’s Day Speech.
Not to defend Max or anything, but at least he hasn’t killed any children.
John Landis should go away.
I had the same thought, although I was really hoping for a James Patrick March cameo.
Yeah, it’s weird that it’s not out yet.
I cried this morning listening to Emperor Penguin, which I’ve always considered one of the best final tracks.
In AD&D only NPC dwarves could be clerics though. I mean, I don’t know how closely that rule was followed, but there it is.
I’ve always preferred the term “numbers-go-up simulator.”
I’m gonna miss Pimento.
Yep, pool is one hundo a sport. If sticks hit balls, it’s a sport. This does mean however that football, basketball, and soccer are not sports. Also bowling isn’t a sport because you hit sticks with a ball.
In golf you hit a ball with a stick. It’s a sport.
It’s on Kotaku, but it is a Kotaku/Deadspin joint site.
Disagree. There’s always been people here who are so over the top spoiler averse, that it all seems normal. I’ve seen people here freak out because somebody said that a thing is good on multiple occasions.
I know everybody is entitled to their opinions, but you sir are a monster.
Eleanor and Tahani had better start flirting again soon.
The first time I tried to watch Blade Runner I fell asleep. The second time I made it through, but I had to keep pausing it to takes naps.
District 9 is really boring though.
Sold! Put Clue on the list!
Fury Road isn’t a top 10 science fiction movie, but it is a top 5 action movie.
She embarrassed herself!