Officially, no. In practice, basically yes.
We eventually got the cop to let us see his baton.
I'd say it's more Enjoy Your Rabbit: Space Edition. Which is also high praise.
I would love to be playing Monument Valley 2, but alas it's an ios exclusive.
And yet somehow there was a time where you couldn't mention one around these parts without a big fight breaking out. Those were dark, somewhat puzzling times.
Please don't reignite the war between Babadook fans and It Follows fans.
He always seems to voice sad-sacks in animation, but in live action he's more likely to be kind of nuts.
Not only does Yosuke wish he was a cool as Ryuji, Yosuke wishes he was as cool as Junpei.
Makoto is a strong all-rounder though. She's a good enough healer that you don't need to bring Morgana, as she dishes out more damage.
Well it's also from Speed Racer.
My favourite is from the end of Speed Racer. I drunk watched that movie with some friends back in the day, and for some reason we kept rewatching the bit at the end when he drinks the milk and yelling "MIIIIIIIIILK!"
Fuck off, milk is delicious.
I've never seen it referred to as a "dance-party ending". Everybody knows the correct terminology is a "Dreamworks ending".
You say that, but it's the best live-action Batman movie by a significant margin.
Archer definitely went through a rough patch. Vice was bad, and the follow up was straight up awful, but last season was a miraculous return to form. It had some of the shows best episodes in years, and recaptured the feel of the early season.
Modern Baseball is 100% emo, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's okay to like an emo band. I like American Football. It's okay.
It's a kids movie, they all have thin plots. Yes, Pixar too.
Thank you!
Okay, I was exaggerating slightly, because obviously the Toy Stories are hard to beat. But The Incredibles, Monsters Inc, and Up are all pretty unspectacular.