I played DS3 back when it first came out, but didn't beat it. I started a new game recently, and last night I successfully survived two invasions. It really made me feel like I knew what I was doing.
I played DS3 back when it first came out, but didn't beat it. I started a new game recently, and last night I successfully survived two invasions. It really made me feel like I knew what I was doing.
It's better than anything Pixar has ever done.
Yeah, I really liked the last two episodes, when all the characters accepted who they were and finally became interesting. It almost seems intentional, but it doesn't make up for how boring the previous 6 episodes were.
Yeah, The Dark Knight Rises was still 15 years away.
Where are all the women? You got WW, and then nothing. Get your shit together guys.
Don't be named Sara in the Arrowverse.
Well Half-Life 2 is a bad game. It's just a bunch of set pieces designed to show off the engine.
I actually ended up feeling that the last season was the best since season 5, which was pretty shocking, given how awful seasons 7 and 8 were.
Sara Jane Smith's spin-off was infinitely better than Torchwood too.
The second half of Children of Earth has the half the characters watching shit go down on TV, and then it ends with the stupidest twist possible. Children of Earth is just as bad as the rest of Torchwood.
If by "largely shite" you mean "completely and entirely shite from start to finish", then yes.
Bendela was my big hope for All-Stars, given how great she was and how badly she got screwed over in her own season.
Robert E. O. Speedwagon's introduction was the moment I knew JoJo was the greatest thing ever.
Not even close. Have you forgotten that Rebecca Glasscock made top 3? Have you forgotten Tyra?
Meanwhile Netflix Canada is stuck with only the first four seasons.
I believe you meant to say a kick in the urethra?
Or Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond, but Homeworld spread the story that she was shattered rather than a defector, given how badly that fucks up their entire culture and way of life. And yes, one of the Rubies was there when it happened, but Rubies are really dumb.
It's a terrible line up. I'm just glad Adore is there.
BastardBowl, get hype!
Most inspired musical cue in the history of television.