
The biggest flaw with the Morrison run is that the trades put the Doom Force one-shot right after the last chapter, with nothing to break them up, so you go from "there has to be a better world" to a 90s X-Men parody.

The 60s comics are great, and you should definitely read them.

I love me some Doom Patrol, but I'm still pretty mad that DC gutted Vertigo at the same time they created Young Animal.

They can always just kill him after.

I'm sold on Joe Gilgun as Cassidy, and Jackie Earl Haley Odin Quinncannon, but otherwise I'm pretty leery.

How the hell did that fire spread so quickly? How did that stone floor get so flammable?

Yeah, that part really worries me. Being a preacher was something he was forced into after being broken, never something he chose.

Firefly was cancelled 14 years ago. Please stop talking about Firefly. Please.

I'm not surprised Calculator left.

Those are arming swords, nerd.

It's just so un-Stark like to exploit a technicality in an oath. Ned would never have stood for that.

Not if it's two arming swords it isn't. That fight looked stupid af.

Yeah, that is a little odd, because her art is awful. Although I guess her tendency to make everybody look like a squirrel makes her a good fit for Squirrel Girl.

I should probably go back and finish Bravely Default one of these days, but I just got so sick of replaying the same stuff over and over again.

Harper Row is, bar none, the worst character in DC Comics. She has all of the unfounded entitlement of early Damien, but none of Damien's charm or character growth. That's not so bad, in and of itself, but the desperation to make people like her is where it goes too far. Every character is constantly talking about how

I just found that everything Snyder brought to Batman was a rehash of something somebody else (usually Grant Morrison) had already done better. Court of Owls and Thomas Wayne Jr were a poor man's Black Glove and Dr Hurt, Death of the Family was just plain bad, and Jim Bat was just a rehash of Dick Bat. And then

I like that they share a name, so that I'll always be reminded that they both suck.

I just realized now that the copy of More Songs About Buildings and Food I pirated oh those many moons ago does not have The Big Country on it, instead having an instrumental tack labeled Big Country. My world is shattered.

That's true. Batman is inexplicably very difficult to get right on the big screen. I enjoy the campier Batman movies the most though, '66, Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin

It's so weird how he's talking about it being okay for Batman to kill because Batman kills in The Dark Knight Returns, which never actually happens. That's a major part of the story, with him taking control of the Mutants and teaching them his non-killing ways. The only death even linked to Batman is the Joker killing