
You’re doing a disservice by not including his image. I think this screenshot should be used for the “divorced unstable midwest guy” Wikipedia entry.

Once he said the word “katana” everyone instantly understood why he was divorced. 

Has it occurred to this pathetic and inveterate incel that one of the big reasons his wife is divorcing him is his ineptness at sword play on the field between the sheets?

Case in point, there’s no “Godfather” of comedy movies

What if anything you said made any kind of sense at all and wasn’t just another fucking temper tantrum because your mom didn’t make you any chicken nuggies?

I have no desire to get into a yet another goddamn argument about Bernie fucking Sanders, but I will never understand young people wanting to support a man who, if elected, will be a year older than Ronald Reagan was when he LEFT office.

Someone on Bloomberg’s campaign staff has a family member who is a public school principal in Manhattan. She is a stupid, inept, petty woman who is running the school into the ground but nothing can be done about it because this person has a family member in the Department of Education (and now Mike’s campaign) who

Hey, whatever gets 18-24-year-olds almost into a voting booth, right?

Did you seriously just confuse a classic Misfits song with a 1996 TV movie starring Tori Spelling?

Mommy, can I go out and see this film tonight?

“It’s dumb that they just brought back Palps after not mentioning him in either of the previous movies. Like we’re supposed to believe that he was like just off-screen the entire time.

If you put your ear to it, you’ll hear a Coldplay b-side.

In the article’s defense, “lady parts” IS by default a funnier term than “vagina”.

♪♫ “Mmm-bullum bmm, nmm mm, pub mub er dub...” ♪♫ ~ Billie Eilish, Jmmes Bmmd: Num Tum te Dum theme